Chapter Thirteen. -Everything Comes To An End.

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Merlin is not mine to own.

Time went on after the war.

Merlin ruled over Diemai with his Queen Dianna and adviser Prince Nicholas. Dianna and Merlin soon had three kids of their own, a girl called Thalia and two twin boys called Jacob and Tyler.

Thalia and Tyler were the trouble makers of the kingdom. While Jacob was strong but but soft and always followed the rules.

Arthur went back to Camelot and had a daughter with Gwen who was named, Amelia Pendragon.

Both kingdoms had a gate portal that took them to the other kingdom.

Magic was allowed in Camelot again.

Gwaine had scored a date with Princess Erebal after two years of begging. One thing let to another and now they have seven kids! Emma, Braxton, Harry, Joyce, Monique and Sasher. And of course they all ready had Naibella who was very cheeky.

Lancelot married a girl from Diemai called Denise and learned the Diemai tougne.

Morgana and Vivain were finally gone and all was well. Or so they thought...

Even though they were gone, Arthur still felt someone's eye always watching him. Always watching.

And when Amelia turned three she turned to her father and asked, pointing to the end of the hall, "Daddy, who is that boy with the rainbow eyes?"

Well, there you go!

I hope you like Little Merlin!

If you wish for me to make sequel that would be great!

But I don't think I will.

If I get three comments by January saying to make a sequel then I will!

♥Bye! And have a great day/night!♥

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