Chapter Three. Part 1. -"Hi, prat."-

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I don't own Merlin! Big surprise! Not.

Third Person P.O.V.

Merlin walked around the lower town, a goofy smile on his face and a brown bag swung over his shoulder.

As the young boy reached the upper part of the kingdom he heard a loud booming voice speaking, no, announcing something.

He pushed his way through the crowd, a chopping board and a blade coming into view.

He could now see that the voice was the king of Camelot, Uther Pendragon. A young man stood, kneeled down, on the chopping board. Fear etched on his face.

Merlin spotted and old lady crying near the edge of the crowd. 'It must be that young man's mother.' He thought with sorrow filled eyes.

He looked up and saw a pretty lady in a long, green dress, standing on a balcony next to Uthur's. 'She must be a noble of some sorts.' He thought again.

The people were cheering as the king spoke again, after his moment of silence.

"This man is adjudged guilty of conspiring to the use of enchantments and magic. By the laws of Camelot such practices are banned by penalty of death. I pride myself as a fair and just king but for the crime of sorcery there is but one sentence I can pass." And with a wave of his hand the blade came down with a sickening, thud.

The secret warlock looked away, not wanting to see one of his kin killed. 'Welcome to camelot!' He thought sarcastically.

The supposed mother of the boy, stood up and glared at the king. Merlin couldn't hear much from how far away he was from her, but he heard a bit. "...You will be sorry Uthur! A tooth for a tooth! An eye for an eye! A son for a son! I will have my revenge!" She yelled.

The King's face was suddenly alarmed at the sound of his son being threatened. "Guards! Kill her!"

But to no avail, the witch disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving a worried king.

Once the execution was over, the towns people left, seeing nothing more to entertain them.

Merlin continued his journey to find Gaius, like his mother had told him to do so.

After asking a few guards and  servents for directions, Merlin managed to make it to the old man's chambers.

He knocked on the door, pushing it open. "Gaius?" The secret warlock walked in.

Gaius turned around from one of his shelves to see who had come in. "Who are you?" The physician  asked.

"It's me, Merlin. I'm Hunith's son."

Gaius gave the boy a confused look, "You weren't supposed to come until Wednesday."

The young boy furrowed his brows, " is Wednesday..."

"Oh. Well, then my boy! Welcome to camelot!" He laughed. Gaius started walking down the stairs, but as he took two steps he fell of the edge of the railing.

(Sorry! I know that it's not all in order! But I didn't want it to be boring!)

Out of instict, the secret warlock, froze the old man in mid air, before dropping him onto his cot.

Gaius immediately stood up, alarmed. "What did you just do?" He questioned the boy.

" uh don't know what your talking about." Merlin stuttered.

"Don't lie to me boy! You have magic don't you? Who taught you? Tell me!" He flinched at Gaius' sudden change if voice.

"N-no one taught me." Merlin tried to explain.

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