Chapter Eight. -Emrys.-

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I don't own Merls!

"We're nearly there!" Elliott  announces.

"Oh, thank the gods! I can't take anymore of Gwaine's jokes." Leon sighed.

Everyone laughed, well, apart from Gwaine, who just pouted like a six year old.

Sir Max waved his hand forward, "Come on. It's just a bit further."

When they reach a clearing there's massive Boulder in the middle, Sir Harry walked towards it. He pressed his hand against the rough stone and said a simple spell, "Fornèas beí dràkoñ." Suddenly the stone had a blue light surrounding it.

"Touch the stone. It will teleport us there." Harry calls to the group.

Slowly Merlin puts his hand on the stone...and WOOSH! He disappeared.

"It's fine. Merlin is at the hideout now. Come along." Miss Karla said, seeing the Camelotians gasp.

And one by they all put there hands on the stone. Arthur last of course, being hesitant.

"Who's in charge of this place?" Lancelot asked.

"Amiphere." Was all Kellion said, glaring at the Camelotians, before storming off.

"What's his problem?" Gwaine asked Elliott, who was the leader of the Diemai Knights. Kellion hadn't talked to any of the Camelotians for the whole trip. Only giving small glances their way.

He sighed, "He's not usually like this. He's just not happy your here...his little brother was killed by Uther." He apologized.

"Oh..." Arthur and Gwaine said at the same time.

"Who's Amiphire?" Percival asked.

Merlin's face brightened. Elliott said nothing for a moment. He didn't think they should know yet... "I'm afraid I can't say...come along sire. I'll show you where you'll be staying. Our human-um...other leader is holding a meeting later as well. You should attend."

They all nodded and followed him. The place they were in was like a massive cave. Arthur looked around and could only see stone walls.

People were also walking around everywhere. 'They must be from the kingdom...staying here to hide.' He thought.

"Here we are M'lord. This room is the only one available. I'm sorry if its a bit crowded, but you'll have to share sire."

"It's fine." The knights got settled in and unpacked. In the room there was about six beds all together. Perfect.

Leon, Persival and Gwaine slept on the left side of the room and Arthur, Merlin and Lancelot slept on the right.

Merlin sat down on his bed. He was exhausted from all the riding and his legs ached.

He was just about to lay down when Arthur threw his bags at him. "You still have to unpack my stuff." He said, smirking at his manservent.

Merlin groaned standing up, "Prat." He mumbled.

"You can't address me like that Merlin. I'm the king!"

"Ok then. I'm sooooo sorry your royal pratness." He said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Arthur just rolled his eyes. "Useless servent." He mumbled.

Merlin smiled, "Clotpole."

Arthur smiled as well, "idiot." Merlin's smile dropped instantly. The mood suddenly going down hill.

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