Chapter Three. Part 3.-Memories erased.-

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I do not own Merlin! And I am not crying myself to sleep every night because of that either! Enjoy the TWIST!!!!

Arthur's mouth was hung open. Morgana laughed. "Oh, dear brother! Do close your mouth, or you will catch flys!" 'Oh, ha.ha.' Arthur thought sarcastically.

He sent her a playful glare. "Why did you not tell me?" He asked, his gaze softening.

"How could I? You know how Uthur thinks of magic. If I were to tell you that a boy who has magic was talking to me in my head, how would I know that you wouldn't tell Uthur?" She explained.

Arthur pondered on the thought. Morgana was right. She had no knowledge that Merlin was talking to him as well. If Merlin hadn't ever talked to him he would have thought Morgana to be mad.

"I understand. But what can we do about Merlin? We can't just dismiss this. Magic is still corrupt and i don't need a war because of his past, not that Merlin could help being born with that either."

Morgana sighed, "Brother, I do not know of your decision. Maybe you should seek answers from Gaius. He would not tell father if you wish him not." Morgana held back the urge to question him about Merlin's past. She wondered to herself what his past was about, 'What kind of a past can start a war if he was killed?'

Arthur nodded, knowing Gaius to be wise and most likely have a solution. Arthur could tell by the conflicted look on his sister's face that she didn't know his true heritage. And he wanted to know why Merlin hadn't told Morgana.
He said his thanks to his sister before leaving to Gaius' chambers.

Once he got there he wasn't surprised to see him working on an antidote to some type of sickness.

"Sire," Gaius bowed upon Arthur's enter, stopping what he was doing. "What brings you here?" He asked, but for some reason Gaius felt as though Merlin was involved.

He was proved right when Arthur sat him down and said, "It's about Merlin."

"Yes." The old man replied. "Is this about what happened earlier today? If so, sire, I assure you Merlin has learned his lesson. He-"

"No." Interrupted the young prince. "It's about something else...Merlin has magic."

Gaius' face contorted into shock that the prince had caught him so soon. Merlin hadn't even been in Camelot for day! He sighed, thinking of the young warlock's fate.

"You knew." Arthur said, though more like a question.

Gaius guilty nodded. "I'm sorry sire. I only found out today. Merlin is a dear friend of mine's son and she had made me give her my word that I would not tell a soul."

"It's fine Gaius. I will not tell my father of Merlin's magic...but I came here to ask you, what should I do? I have known Merlin since I was a little boy. He spoke to me in my head and told me he was born of magic. He has also told me about his past...He's always been there for me...I don't know what I should do Gaius, I cannot just let this slide."

Gaius looked shocked at the new information. He couldn't believe Arthur had known him all this time..."You know who he is? His past?" Gaius hoped Arthur had not spoken about it to Merlin. He didn't need the young boy remembering so soon.

"Yes. He told me when he was about...twelve Why? What's wrong?"

Gaius sighed, relieved. Merlin had told him his secret BEFORE it was erased from his mind. So he wasn't remembering...

"Sire...Merlin's father...he erased his knowledge of where he comes from. Merlin thinks he grew up in Ealdor...but he's only lived there since he was twelve."

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