Chapter Five. -What?!-

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I don't own...*stifles crys*...Merlin.

Merlin snapped his head towards Gaius, as if asking, Why do they have the same crest?

Gaius shook his head and smiled. For, he knew what was about to happen. The knights had wrote to Gaius little under a week ago, telling him that they were coming. Gaius' heart was filled with joy for the boy. (Haha that rymed.)

Merlin just stood there, utterly confused.

Arthur then said, "If I may ask, why do you seek my audience?"

One of the Knights, a girl about Merlin's age spoke up first. She had long blonde hair that fell about her waist. And icey blue eyes. "Sire, I am Lady Karla of Diemai, twelve years ago, our kingdom was attacked. it was taken over by the king's nephew Vivian and his sister Sarah."

Merlin felt bad for the knights. And when they mentioned the king's nephew was a traiter, he felt an unknown anger bubble inside of him.

Before she could speak any further Arthur interrupted her. "You're a knight?" He questioned, in disbelief. "Arthur." Gwen scolded him. Even though she must admit that she was just as surprised. Lady Karla nodded.

"Our kingdom, it is...different from Camelot. The prince changed our laws and made new ones, with help from the king of course, to make everyone equal. He believed, that everyone was important and that everyone was to be treated as equal."

Everyone gasped. No kingdom has ever had a girl knight before, or treated everyone as equal!

"Please, continue your story." Arthur said.

And this time another knight spoke. He had messy, brown hair and bright blue eyes. "Our Queen and the prince, who was heir to the throne, were taken away to be safe. The prince's sister was taken to saftey by another party. We have recently found the queen in Ealdor. She has been taken to a hideout not far from the border of Diemai."

Merlin was shocked. There was royalty in Ealdor?? How did he not know? He wondered to himself if he knew the secret queen...

Again, a different knight continued. He had sandy blonde hair and similar facial features to the girl knight. But his eyes were a dark brown instead of blue. Something in Merlin's gut said it was Lady Karla's brother.

"The Queen informed us of the heir's where a bouts, but sadly she didn't know where the Princess was taken. And last we heard...the king had died..."

Merlin's heart dropped, tears forming in his eyes. Why was he reacting this way?? It wasn't his father! Though his father did die...

Arthur nodded his head in understanding. "I will help you, I give you my word. Where is this prince? Do you know his name perhaps?" He asked, hoping he could be of some help. Kind Arthur needed not think about his decision twice - if he helped them a treaty would be made, beneficial to both kingdoms.

Lady Karla spoke again, "He is here, in Camelot sire. But we must warn you... our kingdom, it does not outlaw magic." At this the king stiffened. "And the eldest child, our heir, he was born of magic sire. Some say, he is magic. He is apart of the Earth itself. The first member of the Ambrosis family had magic from the very bindings of Earth and it was passed down. We  understand if you do not wish to help us take back our kingdom."

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