Chapter Ten. -Secrets Revealed.-

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I love Merlin! MERLIN IS DA BEST BROS! own him!

The Camelotian knights and Arthur were in the training grounds, while the Diemai knights were showing them their fighting skills and giving pointers.

Arthur tried not to act stuck up, but he couldn't help it. He didn't like not being the best.

And he knew, that every Diemai knight in the training grounds could probably take him down in a second.

Merlin had appeared that morning as well. He wasn't sleeping in the same room as the knights, he claimed that he slept in the "Servant's quarters".

Arthur and the knights had been at the hideout for about five days. And Arthur noticed how close Merlin seemed with the Deimai knights.

And he was slowly figuring out Merlin's little secret, faster than Merlin had hoped. Merlin had, of course, planned on telling him the truth soon. He just didn't know when.

And to be honest, he was avoiding it. The knights hadn't questioned him, though they sent him suspicious glances.

Lancelot had tried to get Merlin to confess, but even though Merlin trusted him, he thought that he'd tell the others.

Finally, Merlin faced his decision. He was ready to tell them. A few days before the battle.

He was in the room that they stayed in. They were in the mist of conversation, Persival was laughing at something Gwaine said, along with Lance. And Arthur was talking to Leon about something, in deep conversation.
Merlin walked in sat on the spare bed. But they all stopped talking when he spoke three magic words. "I'll tell you." He whispered, bearly auible. Yet, everyone managed to hear.

Everyone sat in a semi circle infront of Merlin. "Just know...I'm sorry I didn't tell you before...I-I was afraid that you'd think of me differently. " Merlin said.

The Knights looked confused, but nodded. "I am the lost prince of Diemai. And I am Emrys." He spoke quietly.

Lancelot was the one with the less shock, because he already knew of Merlin's magic and him being Emrys.

"Well, who saw that coming?" Gwaine said, laughing.

Arthur just stood up, not uttering a word, and walked out the door.

"Your the Emrys?" Persival asked, "The greatest warlock to ever walk the earth??" The others completely ignoring that Arthur just left. But Merlin noticed. And his heart slowly broke.

"Yes." Merlin confirmed, "I was born with eyes of gold. I could use magic before I could walk. And my destiny is to protect Arthur, who is the once and future king, who will bring back magic to Camelot and peace to all of Albion."

The Knights eyes widened.

Arthur was at the lake Avalon, which was surprisingly close to the hide out.

He sat at the waters edge. "How could he lie to me like this?!" Arthur said, throwing a stone in the water.

"He betrayed me!" Arthur growled, using another stone.

He continued like this for two more minutes, Before a figure emerged from the water.

A beautiful girl with long brown hair. She was wearing a purple dress that looked like Morgana's old one.

"Hello, King Arthur. I am Freya, lady of the lake. And I am here to guide you through Emrys' past, so you can learn to accept the future." She said.

Suddenly Arthur wasn't at the lake anymore. He was in a majestic kingdom.

He was in the king and queen's chambers. And they were holding a new born baby. The baby had bright blue eyes and you couldn't mistake the raven hair that was growing on his head.

He recognized the king to be Balinor, and the queen was Hunith.

Their newborn child had golden eyes, much to Arthur's shock.

"What should we name him?" Balinor asked.

Hunith smiled, "Merlin. Our little Bird." She said, while rocking him in her arms.

Then the memory changed. He was still in the kingdom. But Merlin was much older, he looked about twelve.

Fire emitted from the kingdom, dragons flew away in the skys. The diemai knights were fighting, but they were all too soon over taken.

Merlin was knocked out and taken to Ealdor. He'd tried to run back to the kingdom too many times, so his father erased his memory.

He saw the memories of when all the kids in the small village threw sticks and stones at him. And when he met Will who called his magic beautiful.

He saw what happened when Arthur and him first spoke with telepathy.

He saw Freya, and how she died.

He saw what Will had done before he died. Covering for Merlin.

He saw all the things Merlin went through each day, just to keep him alive and safe. As always, seeking no credit.

He saw what he said when Merlin's father died. "No man is worth your tears."  The words forever stuck in his mind.

He saw so much. He saw all the love, kindness and compation Merlin had felt.

But he also saw all the sorrow, sadness and loneliness he felt.

When all the memories faded Freya stood infront of him, on the shores of the lake.

"I'm sorry." Arthur spoke.

Freya smiled, "Go to him, Young king." She said.

And he did.

878 Words.

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