Chapter 18

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When they reached Tron's house, Silvia was fast asleep and snoring softly. Beck lifted her helmet and dragged her into the house. Beck was almost sure he'd seen Tron watching them approach thr house from the window, but he wasn't there. He layed Silvia down in the bed they shared and removed his own helmet. Beck sat on the bed and slid his hand through his hair. Finally he lay down next to rolled up Silvia and fell asleep worried and confused. What's up with her? Did I do something? She's been weird this morning already: 'Bad Dream', what the heck? Was it because of their date...? He'd thought she'd liked it. At least he did.

When Silvia woke, at first she didn't know where she was. Beck. She remembered. She gave a grunt and a huge yawn, and then she sat up. There was no one in the room, but she recognised it now. The smashed pot was on the shelf. Tron never really entered this room, small wonder he hadn't even noticed it shouldn't be smashed. Silvia threw her blanket to the end of the bed and jumped out of bed. Slowly, she cracked open the door and peeked out. There was no one in the dark hallway, so she came out and decided to enter the white living room, maybe she'd find some one there. But no. Not even Tron at his window. Scratching her head, Silvia turned around to think of another place the guys could be. Maybe the healing room? As she went there, she looked around for them, but there was still no one. She inspected the healer, but it didn't really seem recently used. When she lay her hand against it, it was cold. Silvia began to hum and quickly left the healing room. But where could they be? She heard a soft clinging to her right. Snapping her head into the noise's direction, she jogged that way. Oh, the training room...? The spectating glass wasn't mirrored, but she didn't care. Silvia didn't have to stay unnoticed, now that there shouldn't be anyone in this house, not knowing about Tron, nor her secret.

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