Unpleasant dreams (Chapter 3)

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She had brought the book with her. It was the only thing that reminded her where she had come from. Silvia wrote the story into it, several times, but every time a little different. After two years, she had over 60 versions inside her book. She had already forgotten how it truly happened, but she liked to write it all over, because Silvia did not want to forget. Nor to forgive. But she did never change rest of the story, inside the computer. After tossing over in her bed for several hours, she fell into a dark and cold sleep...

The girl woke up in a black overall with shining neon blue stripes on it. There were rocks, five times as big as herself, all over black and cold. So icy cold, she thought she was dead. The land around her was all plain, if not for the few rocks. It looked like black ice, or the cold side of a blackened knife. But she could not be dead, could she? She was lying on the ground. "Hello?" She asked into the darkness. The girl sat up, too scared to lie on the ground. "Is there anyone?" No sound was there to hear, but a shadow emerged from the rocks far away. "Hello?" It came nearer. The girl hid her face in her hands, so she would not see it. Then there was a nice, deep raspy voice, which asked, not unkindly: "Who are YOU?"

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