Closing Hearts

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I closed my eyes, "You see, no one can be perfect. It's our flaws that make us who we are... If we were all perfect we would be boring!" The others were shocked with my sudden erge to talk back... They were so surprised.
This had to be done...

Athena gleamed at me, as she was happy that I was standing up for myself.

I walked slowly over to Paws who still had his back faced to me.

Once I reached him, he tried to walk away, but I put my paw on his shoulder and I turned him around.

"Now... Do tell me, why are you like this? What do you have to hide? I know you have a story deep inside."

He was in a bit of a daze, as he didn't know what he could say. He didn't think this far through in his plan to go home... He didn't even know why he stayed, exactly. He wondered what this mare wanted, and why she had even stayed in the first place..

Paws sighed.
For once, he had to give into this. He had caused this, so now he would finish this. He looked away from me whilst I spoke...

"Fine. Meet me in the forest." Paws ran off without hesitation.

I looked to the others and they seemed to have gotten the gist. They nodded as if to say 'go after to him.'
And so, I did go after him.

I eventually found Paws leaning against a big oak tree. He didn't look amused, but I knew if he had said he was going to do something he would.

"Let's just get this over with. I don't want to waste time." He took a seat.

"What do you wanna know?"


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