Stars Burn

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"Sister, you couldn't of done anything. It wasn't your fault... I should be the one to blame... I was there and I couldn't do anything."

"You don't understand my pain!" My sister's anger was blooming.

"But, sis-"

"You could never even understand my pain! Ever!" She cried out once more.

My heart turned cold like the winter...
My feelings that were blooming were now sprouting themselves up into my heart. "I can't understand? I'm probably the only one here who can understand you! I get it, you know. Feeling as if you can't do nothing when everything you hold dear is being taken away from you, trying so hard to keep the things you hold dear but you can't because life keeps tearing them away from you. You blame yourself because you want to believe that you could've stopped it, but the truth is, you can't! You have to learn to accept that the people who are gone now had left for a reason, you couldn't do anything. And so, what do you do? You carry on and take the lesson they left you with! No one could possibly know how you feel... Oh wait! I do! We're not alone anymore. I waited and waited for you to come back, but you never did. I carried on, thinking you had left me. I took the lessons we had shared with me, and I carried on through it. I carried on alone and I found even greater things."

My sister only stared at me, speechless. All of my anger... The unknown anger I had, it all came out.

I looked at her with tears in my eyes, "I waited and you never came back. Look how much I've grown, sis. Look how much I've grown without you." I smiled at the bittersweetness.

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Where stories live. Discover now