Prince Scoff Skies

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I looked up at the tall stallion and I noticed that he was smirking. I got the vibe that he was a big brother, and the one who was cold to everyone. He is distant and aloof...

Oh wait...

This had to be Scoff.
The features, the big-brother likeness... Everything!

"Hey. I'm Prince Scoff Skies, what'cha need?" He smoothly said.
'Honestly, how can ponies talk so smoothly? All I can do is repeat myself and stutter... And mess up. You can't forget about me messing up.'

Scoff was mainly white, except for a few grey patches here and there like Looka. Right above his left leg, on his knee, he had a grey patch.

The sides of his cheeks were grey, and so were the tips of his ears.

Scoff had black hooves, and a mostly white mane as well. The tips of both his main and tail were dark blue. His mane stuck out and slightly covered his left eye.

Both his mane and tail were medium length.

...Last but not least, he had dark blue eyes with a black scar on his right eye.

And that was Scoff Skies...

I just stared at him before I got tears in my eyes. I missed my friends so much... I just wanted to escape from this world. I wanted my old life back. I hated this world.
I would never take for granted my world again. Equestria was a great place, and the only home I had ever known. I never wanted to lose that...

...But here I am, with this voice putting my friends and I into this vision and trapping me into this world I do not know how to escape from... It was like I was dreaming, but I knew I wasn't.

This was reality.

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