Day 4: Surprises

506 35 21

This was supposed to go up yesterday sorry

Dallon and Ryan have been married for nearly three years. Dallon flies to visit his family before Christmas and was supposed to be back on Christmas eve. But when Dallon tells Ryan that his flight was delayed, Ryan isn't too happy and has to try to distract himself as long as he can.



"I'm really sorry, I know how Christmas is your all-time favorite holiday, I am so sorry," Dallon tells me through the phone.

"No, no, it's, uh... its okay. We can, well uh... we can see each other after the holidays." I force a laugh, successfully hiding the sadness in my voice.

"I promise I'll FaceTime you tomorrow," Dallon says.

I swallow the lump in my throat, sighing sadly but quietly as I speak, "Okay."

"I gotta go, I love you so much baby."

"I love you too. Talk to you later," I say, hanging up. I take a deep breath. Today is Christmas eve. I texted Dallon and asked when he would be back home, but he called me and explained that his flight was cancelled and his phone died so he couldn't tell me until now.

I put my phone down on the kitchen counter next to a snowman decoration.

"Okay... just... just because Dallon isn't here, that doesn't mean that I can't celebrate..." I try to tell myself, only to realize that I in fact cannot celebrate by myself. I'm miserable without Dallon.

I look over at the time, holding my hands together as a comfort attempt.


I take a deep breath.

"I can just watch a movie... yeah, I'll just watch a movie, and.. cookies, I can make cookies!" I tell myself, trying my hardest to distract myself from the fact that my husband won't be home for Christmas.

I grab my laptop and connect it to the house speakers, playing some Christmas music as I open the freezer, pulling out a box of those pre-made Christmas cookies with little snowmen on them where all you have to do is put them in the oven.

Once the oven is at the right temperature, I put the cookies in the oven.

I check my phone, hoping for any texts from Dallon. There's nothing. In another attempt to distract myself, I open up Twitter, quickly tweeting for people to ask me questions because I am bored.

Several questions begin to flood in and I answer as many as possible, until a picture shows up of Dallon and a girl who I am assuming is a fan.


I like her tweet and answer a few more questions before going to Instagram and starting a live video. I'm wearing some black pajama pants, one of Dallon's sweaters, and some of my round brown glasses. People start commenting, saying things like 'oh my God Ryan is live for like the third time this week' and 'YOU LOOK SO HOT HOW AHHH' and so on.

"'Ryan, where's Dallon?' Well, um... his flight was cancelled so he won't be home until after the holidays," I explain briefly, then I see a few comments of people seeming sad for me, so I add, "But it's okay, we said we can just Skype and FaceTime and he can open the presents I got him when he is back." I force a small smile. I begin to quietly hum along to the faint music playing.

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