Day 7: Collapse

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Ryan collapses in front of Dallon, and Dallon is worried as to why.


Six. Six hours. It's been six hours since Ryan collapsed and passed out. He has been looking pale and I have a strong suspicion that he hasn't been sleeping, but I can't be sure. We were just walking down the street. He stopped talking. Then I heard something fall into the snow. I looked down and Ryan was on his side, his eyes closed.

I felt my heart sink as I tried to get him to respond. Obviously, he didn't. 

"Ryan, can you hear me? Ryan... Ryan!" I yell as I shake Ryan's unresponsive body. He is freezing cold and his eyes are dark, immediately letting me know that he hasn't been sleeping recently. He is still breathing, as a small cloud escapes his lips and fades in the air every few seconds.

I quickly pick him up so he isn't laying in the snow anymore and I carry him to my car, rushing to get him to my house before he freezes to death.

I tug my sleeves down further as I hug my knees close to my chest, resting my head in between them. Ryan is laying on the couch with two blankets over him, as those were the only ones I could find. The power went out about 4 hours ago due to a blizzard outside, which just makes me glad that we got here before it was too late.

My skin is cold and I am trying my best to keep myself warm, as there are no extra blankets for me. But that's okay, because Ryan needs the warmth, not me.

I feel myself becoming tired, but I know I should stay awake in case Ryan wakes up. A sigh escapes my lips as I force myself to keep my eyes open, wishing for any slight movement from my friend.

My wish is soon returned as Ryan suddenly moves, quickly opening his eyes. He looks around for a second before looking at me, then he sits up.

"Are you okay?" I ask, not realizing how tired I am until the slightly raspy words leave my mouth.

"I-I think so..." Ryan says. He sits up, not saying anything for a few seconds.

"What happened?" Ryan adds. I look at him in shock.

"You don't remember?" I ask. He hesitantly shakes his head.

"You just... collapsed. We were walking and all of a sudden you were unconcious in the snow," I explain. He looks down, kind of embarrassed.

"O-oh... I... I'm sorry..."

"Have you not been sleeping, Ry?" I ask.

"N-Not really, no..." Ryan's hands are shaky. Why is he nervous?

"Why not?" I should stop asking questions, but I can't help my curiosity. Plus, I need to know what's wrong so I can try to help.

"I just... I don't..." he seems embarrassed as to why. He looks up at me, tears in his eyes, which only worries me more. He immediately looks down, attempting to hide the tears that have already been sighted.

"Ryan..." I say softly, standing up and sitting next to him.

"I... I get... I have n... nightmares..." he hesitantly tells me. A tear falls onto his hand, but he continues to look down so I don't see him crying. He really is trying. Not to cry, that is. His muscles are tense and he is repeatedly attempting to blink back the tears.

"It's stupid... some teenage boy who has nightmares... and now he is crying about it..." Ryan sniffles as quietly as he can.

"It's not stupid," I say. He doesn't say anything, nor does he look up. Another tear falls. I can't take it anymore.

I wrap my arms around Ryan, holding him close. That's when it starts. I broke the thin walls he had that protected him.

Ryan begins to cry, his cold body shaking. He wraps his arms around me, his skinny fingers holding my shirt as if he is gonna die.

"I-I'm sorry..." Ryan says inbetween small sobs. I hold him closer.

"Don't be sorry, Ryan. Don't ever be sorry," I tell him quietly. A few minutes pass and he calms down, not having enough energy to even cry.

"Just sleep, okay? I will be right here when you wake up," I say to Ryan, using my thumbs to wipe the tears from his face. He nods and I kiss his forehead. When I pull away, he stares at me with a wanting look. He wants to do something.

One hand runs through my hair as the other is cupping my cheek and before I know it, Ryan's lips are pressed against mine. I feel a fluttery feeling in my chest. Before he can pull away, I place my hand on the side of his neck and kiss back. The kiss lasts about 6 seconds, but ends as we both pull away.

And for once in a really, really long time, Ryan smiles a pure, genuine smile before snuggling into me and falling asleep, our arms wrapped around the other.

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