Day 28: No

289 20 13

Ryan won't admit that he is in love with Dallon

A/N 18-6-18: I. LOVE. THIS. STORY. SO. MUCH.


"Hey, Ry, you coming?" Pete asks. I look up and see my best friends, Pete, Gerard, Frank, and Mikey all staring at me.

"Where?" I ask.

"The mall, remember?" The mall. The mall that Dallon Weekes works at. Of course.

"Oh, right, yeah, sorry," I say nervously, standing up and joining them.

"Aww, Ryan's getting nervous cause his crush works there!" Gerard says. I immediately start blushing.

"I-I don't have a crush on Dallon!" I say.

"I mean, neither of us said it had to be Dallon, therefore you do have a crush on Dallon." Mikey points out. They all smile and laugh as I look down, blushing harder. We get into Pete's car and the drive there feels super short, as I have no idea if Dallon is working there today, and I don't want him to see me if he is.

"Ryan, come on," Gerard says, practically dragging me inside. Him and Mikey try to pull me inside, but Pete gives up and just picks me up, carrying me inside.

"Pete, let me go... Pete, let me go, PETE-" I stop as we enter the mall building, Pete still carrying me. We get some amused and confused looks, but the guys don't care.

"Let's go find Patrick." Pete finally lets me down. "And don't worry, Dallon doesn't even work today." he adds. It feels as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. But why? It's not like I'm in love with Dallon or anything.

"There is no way that I like Dallon. Not after what happened with Brendon." Everyone's smiles drop as I mumble the last part. Ah yes, the second the ex boyfriend is mentioned, everyone stops.

"Well it doesn't matter now, because right now we're going to go see Patrick." Pete changes the subject. Patrick works at a smoothie store near the store Dallon works at, which is some soap store or something.

"Okay," I agree hesitantly. The five of us walk to where Patrick works, until I feel Gerard push me into a store. I look at the four, and they all run off as my body collides with another's. The person wraps their arms around me so I don't fall, one arm around my shoulders and their other hand on my waist. The iconic love catching pose.

"Oh, are you alright?" The all-too-familiar voice asks. I look up and Dallon looks down at me worriedly, still holding me.

"O-Oh, uh... yeah... um... I'm... I'm sorry..." I look down and stand up. 

I'm gonna kill Gerard.

"Don't be, it's alright," he says, smiling his usual smile that makes me feel butterflies.

"Ryan, right?" Dallon asks. I can feel my heart skip a beat as he says my name. I look up.

"Uh, y-yeah" I smile slightly.

"Your smile is adorable," he says, smiling more. I blush and laugh slightly. "And so is your laugh!" He adds. My heart is beating like crazy.

"Th-Thanks, Dallon." I say. He frowns slightly, but keeps the smile.

"You know my name?" He asks.

"Oh, yeah, um... I've uh... I've seen you around the mall a few times..." I admit. He smiles.

"Really? Didn't think someone as pretty as you would pay attention to some shop worker like me." Dallon smirks slightly as I blush harder.

"I-I'm not good looking whatsoever, but thank you." I look down.

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