Day 2: Cookies

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Ryan and Dallon make Christmas cookies. Well, try.

I, personally, as a teenage girl who is out of socks at Christmas, forgot how to make cookies so don't drag me for this.


"Dallon?" Ryan sings sweetly. Dallon turns around to look at his adorable husband, who currently has flour on his hands and shirt.

"Wha-..." Dallon turns away from his computer, where he is mindlessly scrolling through twitter. He laughs and grabs his phone, taking a picture of Ryan. Ryan doesn't stop him, knowing that he won't delete it anyway.

"Can you help me make cookies?" He asks. Dallon thinks for a moment, but soon smiles.

"Sure." The taller boy stands up, excitement filling the younger boy. Dallon chuckles at Ryan's excitement as Ryan runs back into the kitchen. He quickly tweets the picture of the younger boy.

'@DallonWeekes: turned around and saw @thisisryanross looking like this... should I be worried?'

Dallon puts his phone in his pocket as he follows the smaller boy. The counter has some flour on it, as well as a whole bunch of ingredients.

"How did you get flour everywhere, the bag isn't even open!" Dallon says. Ryan just looks at the mess and shrugs.

"I... I don't..." Ryan doesn't know what to say, staring at it unsurely. Dallon laughs and shakes his head.

The next 40 minutes consists of random arguments of what to put in next and mess.

"I think that's too much sugar..."

"The sweeter the better," Ryan says.

"Ryan, babe, that's not how it wor- okay, you're putting more sugar in... o-... okay then"


"One teaspoon of vanilla, chef Ryan knows all."

"Babe, that's tablesp- okay, well..."

"It's okay, I'll just scoop it out."

"I don't think- oh don't put it back in the bottle..."

"Why not? It has sugar in it anyway!"


"Is this 3/4ths?"

"No, that's a cup,"

"It says 3/4ths.."

"Ryan, that clearly says 1 cup."

"I'll just take some out then." In one swift movement, Ryan pours the remaining flour on Dallon, who closes his eyes and stands still, letting the flour fall to the floor.

"Thanks, that was much appreciated."


"1 egg!"

"You said two!"

"Dallon, why would I say two, the recipe says one!"

"Fine, I'll just..." Dallon turns, then throws the egg at Ryan, who screams.


"Are you sure chef Ryan knows all?"

"Shut up."


By the time the boys are finished, there is flour everywhere, Ryan has egg on his arm from when Dallon threw the unneeded egg at him, and the mixture inside the bowl is completely liquid and no where near cookie dough consistency. Ryan looks at the bowl in defeat and Dallon pulls out his phone. He presses the record button, showing Ryan looking down sadly. He flips the camera and walks behind Ryan, places one arm around his waist, and leans against the counter with him.

"You sure Chef Ryan knows all?" Dallon asks. Ryan looks at the camera, then sighs. They look at each other and Dallon pecks him on the lips quickly, making them both smile. Dallon ends the video, quickly posting it to Twitter as Ryan begins to clean everything up. Everyone is freaking out, as Dallon has never actually tweeted anything with Ryan in it, and now everyone has found out that they're dating, as they never made a big deal about making their wedding public.

Dallon looks at his husband, now only wanting to be with him. Ryan finishes cleaning the kitchen and gets rid of the cookie mixture disaster. He sits on the counter for a moment before Dallon walks up to him, placing his hands on Ryan's thighs. Ryan bites his lip as Dallon leans towards his ear.

"Why don't we go and take a shower?" Dallon asks in a low tone. Ryan smiles and wraps his arms around his husband.

"Hell yes," Ryan says. Dallon pulls away and Ryan wraps his legs around Dallon's hips as he carries them out of the kitchen, neither breaking apart from their kiss.

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