Day 3: Sweater

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Dallon makes Ryan a sweater and forces him to wear it in front of their friends.

Slight smut??


"I am not wearing that to the Christmas party," Ryan says, pointing at the Christmas sweater that Dallon is holding up. Dallon decided to make a sweater that says 'My boyfriend makes me weeke(s)', which is very inappropriate for a Christmas party with all of their friends.

"Please?" Dallon begs.

"Nope. Now, I am gonna go take a shower, okay?" Ryan says. Dallon pouts slightly, but smiles when Ryan quickly kisses him. He turns and walks away, the shower soon turning on. Dallon smirks and walks to their room and opening Ryan's shirt drawer, taking all of his shirts and sweaters out.

As Ryan washes his hair, Dallon starts the washer, smiling excitedly. He knows that it's cruel, but it's mostly hilarious in his mind.

It doesn't take long for Ryan to get out and dry his newly washed hair. He ties a towel around his hips and walks out, immediately seeing Dallon sitting on the couch, wearing his black sweater with the white collar, and his glasses. He sips his tea and flips the page of his book.

Ryan smiles at his boyfriend before walking to their bedroom. He puts on some boxers and skinny jeans, but is very confused when he opens the drawer to find it empty. Dallon probably hid them, Ryan thinks to himself.

He walks out of their room and walks up to Dallon. Dallon puts his tea and book on the coffee table as Ryan sits on Dallon's lap and places his hands on the sides of his neck, kissing him deeply.

"Hey, baby?" Ryan asks against Dallon's lips in a voice that Dallon can't resist.

"Yeah, babe?" Dallon smiles.

"Where'd you put all of my shirts?" Ryan smiles back.

"They're all being washed," Dallon says, like it's obvious, and Ryan frowns slightly.

"Why's that?"

"All except one." Dallon smirks. Ryan's expression drops as Dallon holds up the Christmas sweater.

"I hate you," Ryan says, getting up. He grabs the sweater, but Dallon decides he wants to torture Ryan a little more. He pulls Ryan onto the couch and crawls on top of him, pinning him down.

"What are... we have to leave in, like, five minutes," Ryan says. Dallon smirks.

"Five minutes is plenty of time." Dallon hungrily kisses Ryan for a few seconds, then starts kissing his neck. Ryan gasps and tilts his head back.

"D-Dallon..." Ryan whines. Dallon just smirks, leaving marks on the crook of his neck.

"B-baby... w-we have to go..." Ryan moans. Dallon grinds against the younger boy, causing him to moan and whimper more.

The next five minutes of Dallon making Ryan beg for Dallon to continue yet stop soon ends as Dallon suddenly kisses Ryan and stands up. Ryan is left panting on the couch, a slightly noticeable bulge in his pants.

Dallon fixes his hair and grabs everything they need.

"Well, come on, we gotta go!" Dallon smiles innocently. Ryan shoots him a glare as he puts on the sweater and leaves.


"Did you make that?" Josh asks Dallon as they watch Ryan talk to Pete and Frank. Brendon and Josh look at the taller man, who is smirking.

"Yep," Dallon says, drinking some of his hot chocolate.

"And how the hell did you manage to get him to wear it?" Brendon asks, smiling.

"Oh, I put all of his shirts in the washer except for that sweater," Dallon says casually. Josh, Tyler, and Brendon begin to laugh quietly. Ryan soon walks over.

"I hate you so much..."

"Be careful, you know what happened last time you said that," Dallon whispers quietly while smirking, then takes another drink. Ryan covers his neck, rubbing it awkwardly. Josh and Brendon cover their mouths in attempt not to laugh.

"Baaabeeee... you're embarrassing me," Ryan mumbles. Dallon wraps his arms around Ryan's waist and showers the young boy in kisses, pulling him close.

"I'm sorry. It's just nice to let everyone know how much I love you," Dallon says. Everyone in the room smiles at the couple, causing Ryan to blush. He looks up at Dallon, and Dallon presses his lips against Ryan's.

"I love you," Dallon says quietly.

"I love you too." Ryan smiles, kissing his boyfriend once more.

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