Day 18: Proposal

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Because the last one was sad, here you go.

Dallon decides that he really wants to marry Ryan, and has a very long plan of if he/how he should propose.


"But what if he says no?" I ask Brendon.

"He will say yes, Dallon, don't worry. You two have been dating for four and a half years, he loves you more than anything in the world," Brendon reassures me. I take out the box once more, looking at it thoughtfully.

I love Ryan more than anything in the entire universe, but I have no idea if he wants to get married. I don't want to ask him, because not only do I not know how or when, but it ruins the surprise aspect of a proposal.

"Maybe I could subtly bring the subject of marriage up next time I'm with him and ask him if he wants to marry you?"

"Only if you make sure he has no idea," I say. He nods.

"Got it. Step one of Ryllon Proposal is on its way."


"I'm gonna make some hot chocolate, I'll be right back." I kiss Ryan on the head and stand up. Brendon winks at me and I smile nervously.

I walk into the kitchen, starting some water on the kettle. I stand by the door, eavesdropping their conversation.

"Aww, that's cute," I hear Brendon say.

"That's adorable." Ryan chuckles slightly.

"Man, I should propose like that," Brendon mumbles, earning a laugh from Ryan. "Speaking of, has Dallon proposed yet?"

"No need to be rude," I whisper quietly to myself.

"Oh, uh, no..." Ryan chuckles nervously.

"Well, do you want him to? Cause you two are hella adorable, I'm surprised that he hasn't actually done it yet."

'Hella'? Really Brendon?

"I don't really blame him, if he doesn't then he doesn't have to, but yeah, I would love to marry him." Ryan's words make me smile excitedly. I try to not make myself squeal from excitement as I pour the water into each mug of hot chocolate, adding some marshmallows.

I walk into the room with our hot chocolates, and Ryan immediately looks kinda scared, as if he was hoping I didn't just hear their conversation. Brendon just smiles and I place our drinks on the table before sitting next to Ryan and putting my arm around him. I kiss him quickly.

"I love you." I smile.

"I love you too." Ryan smiles back.


As Ryan is at home alone, Brendon helps Dallon set everything up. If Dallon was going to propose tonight, he was gonna make sure it was one of the best proposals that he is capable of. He knows Ryan loves Christmas, so he decided to propose on Christmas eve.

"Okay, we got a movie tickets, dinner reservations, then music, then proposal," Brendon says the plan once more as Dallon and Brendon sit in front of Ryan and Dallon's house. Dallon attempts to swallow the lump in his throat as he nods. Brendon places his hand on Dallon's shoulder.

"Don't stress, okay?" Brendon says. Dallon just nods and takes a deep breath before getting out of the car.

"Okay," Dallon says.

"He will say yes, I promise," Brendon says, driving off. Dallon turns towards the door, mumbling to himself.

"He will say yes, Ryan will say yes, he will say yes-"

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