Day 10: Sick

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Ryan is sick, but won't use that as an excuse to not go to classes. Dallon forces him to lay down and rest.

I should add that in this Ryan is in college and lives in a dorm and Dallon visits Ryan almost everyday.


"Hey, babe," Ryan says through the phone as Dallon starts his car, but Dallon immediately notices Ryan's shaky voice.

"What's wrong, are you okay?" Dallon asks worriedly, throwing his bag to the back seat.

"Yea, I um... I'm fine... I threw up, but I'll be okay..." Ryan says, feeling extremely weak as he sits on his bathroom floor, sleepily leaning against the wall.

"Have you checked your temperature?" Dallon asks, not caring if he sounds like a protective mother.

"Mmm... no... I'm fine..."

"I'll be there a little late, but lay down and relax, okay?" Dallon says sweetly.

"I'll be fine!" Ryan insists.

"See you soon, baby. I love you."

"I love you too, baby." Ryan smiles slightly. Dallon hangs up and begins to drive to a store that has Ryan's favorite soup.

Ryan finds himself throwing up a few more times before deciding to stand and go get dressed into something that isn't just pajama pants. 

About thirty minutes pass and Dallon finally arrives at Ryan's college. He gets out of his car, seeing a few people pass as he makes his way to his boyfriend's dorm.

"Hey, Dallon!" Spencer says. Dallon is here so often that anyone who knows Ryan definitely knows Dallon.

"Hey." Dallon smiles as they pass each other in the hall. Dallon unlocks the door and walks in, and he immediately sees Ryan attempting to put on a shirt while looking so pale that it is extremely worrying.

"Babe, what are you doing?" Dallon asks in a calm and worried voice.

"I'm getting ready to go to class," Ryan says, his voice very quiet, as he lost his voice from coughing and throwing up so much for the past 8 hours.

"First of all, your shirt is not only inside out, but also backwards. Second of all, you are obviously sick and you need to lay down," Dallon says putting the soup on the table and gently grabbing Ryan's arms.

"No, I'll be fine," Ryan says as Dallon makes him sit on the couch. Dallon ignores him and grabs a thermometer from a drawer, soon sticking it into Ryan's mouth.


"Don't talk," Dallon says in a calm tone.

"Dallon, I'm fine. I don't have a-" Ryan gets cut off as the thermometer screen turns red and beeps repeatedly for a couple of seconds. Dallon takes it out and shows it to Ryan.

"...fever..." Ryan continues as they both look at the numbers.


"Now, why don't you get into something more comfortable. I got you some soup to eat and I want you to relax. If you want, we can watch some movies, but I am not letting you go to class." Dallon says. Ryan goes to argue, but realizes that he can't win.

Ryan walks into his bedroom and changes his pants so he is wearing some pajama pants. By the time he attempts to take his shirt off, which he already spent four minutes trying to put on, he is out of strength. It feels as if he can barely move. It's like he's just standing there, close to collasping.

"Baby...?" Ryan tries to say as loudly as he can, which is a little quieter than his normal voice. Dallon immediately rushes to help his boyfriend, but chuckles slightly as he realizes Ryan is struggling to get his shirt off.

Dallon grabs the sweater that he left with Ryan, then puts it over his shoulder. He grabs the ends of Ryan's shirt, pulls it off of Ryan, then grabs the sweater and helps the younger boy put it on.

Ryan, who can barely keep his eyes open, weakly mumbles, "I'm tired..." He leans into Dallon. Dallon picks him up bridal style and holds him for a second, before laying him on his bed.

"I'll be right back, okay?" Dallon asks. Ryan hums a response, too weak to move. Dallon is really close to calling an ambulance for Ryan, as he is pale, weak, and can't keep anything down, but for now, as Dallon waits for Ryan's roommates to come back from classes to help him decide, he grabs his laptop, the soup, some medicine, and a cup of water.

Ryan doesn't want to miss his last day of classes until the end of winter break, but Dallon isn't giving him a choice. He doesn't mind, though. He gets to spend an extra day with Dallon.

Dallon walks back in with all of the items. He puts the medicine, water, and soup on the night stand, then sits next to Ryan and opens his laptop.

"Thank you, baby..." Ryan says as Dallon hands him the medicine and water. Dallon kisses Ryan's forehead.

"You're welcome, baby. I just want you to get better, okay?" Dallon asks as Ryan swallows the water and medicine, cringing slightly as he hates taking medicine. Dallon puts the water back on the table.

"I know," Ryan says.

"Do you want your soup now?"

"Sure, I'll probably fall asleep before I can eat it, so I'll have it now," Ryan says. Dallon hands him the small tub and a spoon and carefully watches him take a bite. Dallon could have made him some toast so he keeps it down, but Ryan has had a bulimic past and Dallon doesn't want to risk anything again. That and the fact that Ryan doesn't own a toaster.

Dallon decides to stop staring at his sick boyfriend and turn on a movie on his laptop.

"What do you wanna watch?" Dallon asks. Ryan shrugs, so Dallon chooses a Christmas movie. Ryan suddenly feels lots of Christmas vibes and he smiles at that feeling. Eating soup, snuggled into Dallon, watching a Christmas movie, he feels lucky. Lucky to have someone take care of him when he is sick.

And that person is Dallon.

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