Day 12: Fan

397 19 7

Ryan is a huge fan of Dallon. But what happens when Dallon finds the physically and mentally drained boy alone in the snow?


"Long day, man. Do you want to go get food with us as a way to end the stress?" Zack asks me. 

"No thanks, I think I'll just go and sleep," I say. Zack laughs and pats my back. I smile and walk into my hotel room. As much as I want to, I am exhausted. The day has been filled with three different interviews, two before the concert and one after, and we just arrived at our hotel. Brendon and Spencer are talking about something, the only words I've heard so far from both of them are "it feels so different without them". I guess they're talking about Jon and Ryan. I've never met or seen Ryan, but I met Jon on accident when we both went to go see a concert.

Just to my luck, about two hours pass and I realize that it's now 1 am, and I can't sleep. A sigh escapes my lips, my hands throwing the covers back. Might as well take a walk to tire any remaining energy.

I put on a long sleeve shirt, a hoodie, and my shoes. I grab my room key and exit. The halls are dead silent. I feel slightly anxious being by myself, so I hurry towards the elevator and press the button to get to the lobby.

Once I'm outside, I immediately hear faint Christmas music playing from stores. Snow is falling, which makes me smile. Christmas music always made me happy. 

Maybe I don't have anyone to spend Christmas with. Brendon has Sarah and Spencer is going back home to visit his sisters and family. My siblings are all staying with their loved ones and their family, and I don't wanna be the only person to go home. I'll be fine on my own. I always am.

As I walk around, I feel my heart sink as I see someone curled up in a ball by an alley way. He seems to be a little younger than me, and he is also obviously very cold, but he definitely doesn't seem like a guy who has been out here for longer than a few days. He is only wearing a t-shirt and I can see some red lines on both wrists as I approach him.

"Hey, are you okay?" I say, walking closer. He weakly looks up at me, and his eyes widen. I kneel down next to him, worriedly.

"Y-You're..." His voice is shaky and tired.

"Why are you out here in the snow? It's freezing..." I say worriedly, gently placing my warm hands on his freezing arms.

"I... I don't..." I quickly notice that he has tears in his eyes.

"Do you have anywhere to go?" I ask worriedly. He shakes his head.

"N-No... but I'll be fine... I-" I take my hoodie off and hand it to him.

"Wear this," I say.

"What? No, I-I'm fine, really." he tries to give it back, but I force him to put it on. He hesitantly puts his arms through the sleeves, secretly admiring the newly found heat.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"I.. I'm... R-Ryan..." 

"I'm Dallon."

"I-I know," Ryan says. I look at him with slight confusion.

"I, uh... I like your music..." he says, looking down. I stand up and reach my hand out. He looks at me in shock and confusion.

"Come on, I'm not letting you stay out here," I say. He hesitates for a moment, but takes my hand and stands up. The color drains from his face and he immediately begins to fall again. I pick him up bridal style, surprised at how light he is.

"You... you don't need... to..." Ryan mumbles, slowly losing conscious. I quickly bring us to the hotel, making sure that no one in the band sees the boy with his face buried into my chest.

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