Chapter One

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The tour starts today. Finally. I can't wait to perform again and to be on that stage with my 4 best friends. I look forward to joke around again and to see the fans reactions. It is about an hour before the show starts and we are all relaxing in the dressingroom.

"Hey, Haz," Niall sits next to me on the couch.

"Hey," I smile.

"You ready for the first show?" he asks excitedly, throwing an arm around my shoulder.

I grin and nod, leaning into his embrace without noticing. He feels so soft and warm, I suddenly have the strange desire to be cuddled by him. I try not to think about it as he leans back and lets me rest against his chest.

"You're quite cuddly today, hm?" Niall asks me. I can hear that he is grinning. I am never that affactionate, well at least not with Niall because he makes mefeel all gooey and stuff. His question makes me blush, I can feel the heat rushing to my cheeks.

"Ehm, yeah," I shrug, not really knowing what else to say.

"I don't mind," he squeezes himself closer. "I like cuddling you."

Well, then. If I wasn't blushing yet, I would be by now. I like cuddling you. I like cuddling you. I. Like. Cuddling. You. Niall likes to cuddle me. Oh god. I ignore the butterflies in my tummy and quickly stand up.

''Sorry, gotta go to the toilet,'' I quickly lie before dashing off. I can't be in one room with him without wanting to kiss him silly and it annoyes me so much. I don't want to like him, I don't want to be with him. I don't find him attractiv- oh what am I saying. I am aware that I am lying to myself but I'm really not in the mood for all this relationship drama. Maybe I should just go to a club and find a girl. Wait, no, I could never do that. I'd feel way too guilty. I groan audibly and sit down on a random chair a few meters away from the dressing room. I put my head in my hands and sigh. Why is my life so difficult?

''Wow, dude, you look like you're making life decisions or something,'' Zayn walks up to me and laughs. I groan some more and softly bang my head against the wall behind me.

''What's up?'' he asks, patting my shoulder comfortingly.

'''Nothing,'' I moan.

''Well it sure doesn't look like nothing,'' Zayn chuckles and leans against the wall, his arms crossed as he waits for me to say something.

''It's just that-,'' I stop myself. I really don't want to tell Zayn anything of what I was feeling but at the same time I also know that I can trust him with this, unlike Louis.

''Hey, you can tell me, you know that right?'' He kneels down so that he is on eye level with me.

I sigh. ''Okay, ehm, well, I might, might, have a crush on someone,'' I begin, emphasizing the word 'might'.

''Okay,'' Zayn nods. ''What's her name?''

''Yeah, that's kind of the point,'' I awkwardly clear my throat. ''It's a boy,'' I say, carefully gauging Zayn's reaction.

''Okay,'' Zayn shrug. ''You know I don't care about that,'' he says. ''So what's his name?''

''Ehm, Niall,'' I whisper, keeping my gaze focused on the ground.

''You mean, our Niall?'' Zayn asks.

I nod my head and sneak a glance in Zayn's direction to see his reaction. I am surprised to see a smiling face. ''Why are you looking at me like that?''

''Dude,'' he shakes his head. ''Louis already told me about the hotel room thing where he caught you staring and I started to pay attention a little and wow you make it obvious.''

''I do not!'' I gape at him. How dare he? Okay, maybe I find it difficult to take my eyes off of him but I know how to hide it. ''And Louis is a dick.''

''Harry, it's okay to like Niall. Maybe he even likes you bac-''

''No! I don't like him, okay,'' I don't let him finish.

''But you do have a crush on him,'' he tells me matter-of-factly.

''I said I might have a crush on him,'' I backfire. I am getting really tired of this conversation.

''Okay, whatever. We have to get on stage in a half an hour so I'll see you then.'' With that he stands up and walks away, leaving me alone with my thoughts again.


Exactly 30 minutes later I am dressed and ready to go on stage. The intro video is now playing and I can hear the thousands of girls (and some boys) screaming loudly. It made me smile only thinking about how much harder they'll scream as soon as they see us.

''Ready boys?'' Ted, a member of sound crew asks as he hands us our earpieces.

''Yup,'' I answer, jumping up and down in excitement.

The other boys shout some kind of agreement too and we impatiently wait as the band played the intro of the first song, Midnight Memories. It doesn't take long before a big screen gets lifted up and we're able to see all the fans. We run on stage and I put the microphone to my lips, singing the first verse as adrenaline rushes through my body.

We're about an hour into the show and the Instagram questions are next. These things always get me nervous because the fans tend to ask some strange things. A cheeky answer is always a good one though. We walk to stage B and the first question appears on the big screen.

''What part of your body do you wash first when you're in the shower?''

Ah, a perfect example of a strange question. The fans seem to like it though, they scream like 10 times louder, if that's even possible. The boys all gave a normal answer but as I said, a cheeky answer is always a good one. Jokingly, I grab at my crotch, give it a good squeeze and quickly let go again, grinning when I get the reaction I hoped for. The girls go crazy and the sounds they're making ring through my ears.

The concert continues like that. Sometimes I am just in the mood to tease the fans endlessly, I can't get enough of the screams and them yelling my name over and over again. The boys join me at some point and Niall even locks eyes with me as he smoothes his hand over his groin during his solo in Better Than Words. I have to keep myself from drooling because wow. I suddenly know why the fans freak out when one of us does something like that. I see Niall walk up to me and I quickly try regain my composure. I'm sure I failed though because I can feel my cheeks burning.

''Stop staring, Haz,'' he laughs in my ear.

''Eh, I wasn't staring,'' I laugh nervously.

''Of course you weren't,'' he pats my cheek. ''You're cute when you blush.''


A/N: woopwoop chapter one! I hope you liked it :) Also, I had my last exam today so I am DONE WITH HIGH SCHOOL heheheheh unless I fail though... Let's not think about that. So I hope I'll be able to update more often because I haven nothing better to do anyway.

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