Chapter Twenty-Three

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The picture of me kissing the 'mystery girl' was all over twitter within a few seconds. Everybody started speculating about who I was kissing, and who took the picture, and why I was kissing her and blahblahblah. It was honestly quite tiring. It's a few days after the picture was released on E!News and we've got an interview in a few hours. There is no doubt they'll ask about the picture and they're probably gonna try and get some answers out of me. 

Niall is actually handling it very well. Together, we sometimes check the gossip sites to see whether they've found someone to link me with yet. We have a great laugh when we read one of those stories about me being madly in love with some kind of random girl who I've never even met. I'm glad Niall isn't freaking out anymore, and he knows I love him and won't leave him. 

Anyway, we're on our way to the studio now to record the interview and I'm sitting next to Niall, obviously. This will be the only few minutes alone that we will get today so I want to make the best of it and smother him with love.

''Harry, stop,'' he giggles as I tickle his sides and press kisses to his cheeks. 

''Make me,'' I dare him and smirk. 

He raises his eyebrow at me. He knows he can make me weak in the knees with only a kiss. Damn him and his power over me. I raise an eyebrow back at him but before I can pretend to be able to resist him, he already has his lips on mine and it's making me melt in a puddle of rainbows and unicorns. God, I'm so gay. 

He pulls away too soon and I whine pathetically. He just shrugs with a satisfied smile and turns his attention back to the window. I take his hand and entertwine our fingers before laying my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes.

Niall wakes me up a few minutes later when we arrive at the studio. He kisses me chastely before he gets out of the car and into the buidling. I take some time to wake up properly and then get out too, following the bodyguards into the buidling, towards the room where we have to wait until the interviewer comes. 

Niall and I sit next to each other on chairs while the others sit in front of us on a couch. The interviewer comes in soon after us. It's a middle-aged woman with blonde short hair. She looks friendly. She sits opposite of us and takes out her notebook with questions. 

Once the camera rolls, she starts talking. ''So boys, my name is Estelle and I'll be asking you guys some questions,'' she smiles. 

We greet her and nod. She starts with the usual questions like what it's like to be on tour and if we're enjoying it and, you know, the boring stuff. I'm anxiously waiting for her to ask the question she's probably been wanting to ask. 

''So.'' She starts. Here we go. ''There has been a picture going viral on the internet.'' She looks directly at me. I gulp.

''Care to tell us who the lucky lady is?'' She raises her eyebrow. 

''Ehm.'' I should've prepared an answer, damnit. ''It's just someone who's really special to me.'' I feel Niall's foot nudge mine, linking our ankles together. 

''And does she have a name?'' The interviewer smiles friendly at me, but her eyes are burning a hole in my face. 

''Y-Yeah, she does,'' I stutter.

''C'mon, Harry, the fans are dying to know who you were kissing,'' she pouts.

''I'm not gonna say who it is but their name starts with an N,'' I wink exageratedly and hear Niall snigger next to me. 

We answer the rest of the questions and end the interview then. After this we have a meeting with our record label to discuss a new fragrance and after that we have to get back into the tourbus to make our way to London for the next 3 shows there. 

It's hard not to touch Niall when he's next to me all day and being his adorable self the whole time. It takes all my strength not to press a tiny kiss to his cheek or take his hand in mine. I know this would all be easier if we'd come out. I want to be ready to show him off in public and I am almost there, I know it, but right now I don't really feel like causing a lot of fuss. It's good now and Niall likes me, loves me even, and I don't want anything to change between us. 

''Pay attention, Harold.'' Niall scolds and presses his lips to my ear for a split second before pulling away again like nothing happened. I try to hide my smile and start to actually listen to what our manager is saying. 

It's 2 hours later and we are guided back to a car and driven to where our tourbus is waiting for us. Niall holds my hand in his lap and unconciously strokes his thumb over the back of my hand. I can't keep the grin off of my face. 

Once we're in the tourbus I instantly check twitter and other social media sites to see wheter the interview has been aired yet. Twitter is fairly calm, for as far as twitter can be calm. I don't see anything that has to do with the interview. 

I crawl closer to Niall, who's also on his phone, and fall dramatically in his lap. 

''I'm so hungry,'' I whine.

''Then get yourself some food,'' he answers, his eyes glued to his phone.

''But I'm so tired,'' I groan and wiggle about in his lap. 

''Hmmhmm,'' he hums distractically, but doesn't pay attention to me.

''Heyyy, I'm your loving boyfriend, I'm more important than your phone,'' I say, pouting.

''Hm, depends,'' he shrugs. He's smirking though, I know he's just joking. 

''Ouch,'' I exclaim, mocking offence. 

''Just kidding, baby, I love you sooo much.'' He throws his phone aside and wraps his arms around me from where I'm still sprawled across his lap. He hugs me too tight and let's go after I've voiced my breathing troubles. 

''What do you want to eat,'' he pushes my fringe out of my eyes and places his other hand on my chest.

''Uhm, do we still have some Nandos left overs?'' I ask sweetly.

''I'll go check. Up you go,'' he pats my bum cheekily and walks away to check the frigde.

He comes back a few minutes later with the half eaten Nandos that we had yesterday. 

''Thank you, baby,'' I praise him as he sits down next to me. I reward him by kissing him until he's flushed red, even beyond his ears. 

We eat together and then get back to my bunk because Niall was in a very cuddly mood and I'm not going to reject a cuddle from my boyfriend. It is just past dinner time, so way too early to go to bed but we still put on our pj's to be comfortable. I crawl in first and Niall comes in after me, cuddling into me right away. 

''I'm going to take you on a second date the moment we come out,'' he mumbles, his eyes sparkling at me. 

''Maybe I'll take you out on a date,'' I retort and wink. 

''Harry?'' He suddenly sounds nervous.


''Have you ever, like, done... it with a boy?'' he fiddles with his fingers and doesn't look me in the eye.

''And with 'it' you mean... doing the dirty,'' I ask, just to get him flustered. 

''Yes,'' he chuckles and blushes a bit.

''Well, no, I've never done it with a boy. You?''


''Why exactly are you asking me this?'' 

''Just, you know, we might... do that soon,'' he flushes red instantly and hides his face against my chest.

''Blushy boy,'' I coo and press him against me. He murmers something inaudible but keeps his face hidden.

''It happens when it happens, babe,'' I assure him, rubbing his back to make him relax. 

''Yeah, you're right,'' he agrees, his cheeks still burning with a blush, and kisses me. 

A/N: I am like dying here because first day of college tomorrow... Let's hope I survive!

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