Chapter Twenty-Four

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We had a few days off after the shows in London and I decided to go to LA. Niall said he wanted to visit family so he went back to Ireland. I am now on the airport in LA, on my way to Cal, where I'll be staying for a few days. I think it's good for me and Niall to have a bit of time apart. We're together every day and now with the whole picture drama, we need to take a little break. 

I do miss him, though, obviously I do. But I'll be seeing him again in a few days. I can handle 5 days without my boyfriend. Or at least, that's what I tell myself. I'll be landing soon so I buckle up again and sit back, watching the clouds go by through the little window. 

Cal is waiting for me at the arrivals and I hug him when I see him. He landed a day earlier than me and we will be traveling back together. 

''Hey, man,'' I greet him. 

''Hey, Harry,'' he smiles and pats my back. ''Everything okay?''

''Yeah, yeah, life's great,'' I grin. 

''Must be that boyfriend of yours who makes you so happy,'' he teases.

I shrug. ''Maybe,'' I say, smiling knowingly. 

''C'mon, the car's already waiting.'' We walk to the back entrance to avoid being mobbed and step into the car. Cal has a lovely house in LA. One day, I'll buy a house here too. I just love it so much here. Niall told me I had to call him to tell him I survived he flight but I'm jetlagged already so as soon as I step into the house, I excuse myself to my room and fall asleep, fully clothed and my phone clutched in my hand.


I wake up a few hours later by an annoying noise. I groan and open my eyes to see my phone laying next to my head, buzzing and ringing, begging for me to pick it up. I quickly scan the caller ID and see that it's Niall. I totally forgot to call him. God, he must be worried. 

''Hello?'' I mumble tiredly into my phone.

''Harry! You're alive!'' I hear Niall cheer.

''Sorry, fell asleep,'' I chuckle and press my phone to my ear, wanting to hear more of Niall's voice.

''That's okay,'' I can hear that he's smiling. ''So how's life in LA?''

''Good, it's really good,'' I stiffle a yawn and cuddle into my pillow. ''How's Ireland?''

''Probably better,'' he answers teasingly. We all know how much Niall loves Ireland.

''Hmm, I doubt it.'' I say. I hear him gasp dramatically on the other side of the phone and I can imagine the face that he's making. 

''How dare you,'' he mutters. ''You're lucky you're pretty.'' 

''Am I pretty, Niall?'' I say, feeling my heart swell. ''Prettier than Ireland?''

''Don't push it, Harold,'' he jokes, making me giggle a bit. Niall is the only person who can make me giggle like a school girl. I know he likes it because he says cheeky things on purpose just to get me all flustered. God, I hate him for doing that.

''Sorry, love, I gotta go. Mum wants to have a family lunch or whatever,'' he chuckles.

''Okay, we'll keep in touch, yeah?''

''Of, course. Bye, babe,'' he makes kissy noises into the phone and then ends the call.

I put my phone away and close my eyes again. I don't want to fall asleep again, though, so after a few minutes I get up and take a quick shower. It's about 8 pm now so I stroll into the living room to find Cal so that we can get something to eat together.

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