Chapter Twenty-Six

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I think I have never slept better than I have right now. I wake up feeling relaxed and content, especially with Niall still holding me tightly to his chest. I nuzzle my nose back into his neck as a wide grin stretches across my face. I tuck myself against his body and watch as his chest rises and falls while he breathes. We're both still naked and that just makes it even better. I think back about last night and can't help but blush. 

''I'm trying to sleep, stop wiggling,'' he mumbles tiredly.

''Sorry,'' I grin, not feeling sorry at all. 

''I know you don't mean that,'' he teases, blindly poking me in my side as his eyes are still closed.

''Sorry,'' I shrug and laugh. 

''Idiot,'' he murmers, smiling sleepily. 

''Pft, you love me,'' I snort.

''I do,'' he answers cheesily. 

''I love you too,'' I roll my eyes and climb on top of him, trapping him under the blankets with me. 

''So, ehm,'' he suddenly turns nervous. ''So, like, was our first time, ehm, good?''

I frown at him. He looks scared, as if I would actually say that I hated our first time. Did he not pay attention to the sounds I was making??

''Niall, I loved our first time,'' I say as if it is the most obvious thing in the word, which it kind of is, to be honest. 

''Really?'' he asks unsure.

''Yes, really,'' I try to convince him. ''Why do ask? Did you... not like it?''

''No! No, I just... wanted to know if it was the way you wanted it to be,'' he reassures, holding me a little tighter. 

''It was,'' I smile up at him and kiss his cheek. 

''Good.'' He nods. ''How's your bum feeling, babe?'' I feel a hand creep downwards and I blush deep red.

'''S a bit sore but not too bad,'' I mumble, burying my face into Niall's neck.  

He hums and it's quiet after that, and I'm almost sure Niall fell asleep again. I don't mind actually, and close my eyes again too. 


We wake up an hour later again and manage to get to the hotel to take a shower. I'm being spoiled by Niall with kisses and hugs all morning already and I'm really not complaining. We're probably acting like those couples that can't be separated for even a second but I can't really bring myself to care because he makes me feel so in love

We have an interview tomorrow and Niall and I decided that that is going to be the day that we'll confirm our relationship. To say I'm nervous is an understatement. I'm terrified to do this but I really want to and I want to make Niall happy and be a proper boyfriend. 

Tonight we have our show in Paris and now we're on our way to the venue for soundcheck. The other boys are already there since they didn't take an hour long shower, unlike me and Niall. Anyway, at least we don't hide away in our hotel room for the whole day like we actually planned on doing. 

Niall's head is leaning on my shoulder as we get driven towards the stadium where we'll be playing tonight. I'm pumped for the show, as usual, especially now that Niall and I are on such good terms. It's great to experience all these moments with my boyfriend by my side. 

Niall interrupts me from my thoughts and kisses me gently before he jumps out of the car and walks into the venue. I follow him shortly afterwards and jog a bit to catch up with him. As soon as we're behind closed doors again he tangles his fingers messily with mine and that's how we walk towards the stage where the boys are already waiting for us. 

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