Chapter Two

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I finish singing the last note of What Makes You Beautiful and we all run back stage. The first show is always the best, I think. The adrenaline is still pumping through my veins and I am sure the other boys feel the same. We walk back to the dressing room and I let myself fall down on the couch. Liam sits next to me and we make a small talk about the show today.

''Did you see that girl with that poster?!'' Liam exclaims.

''Liam, there were many girls with posters,'' I answer sarcastically.

''No, I mean the one that said: 'Harry, praying isn't the only thing I do on my knees','' Liam gives me a suggestive look and it makes me chuckle.

''Yeah I saw it,'' I nod and try not to think about a girl sucking my- you know. Liam must have seen my look of disgust and looks at me weird.

''Oh, I bet you rather have Niall doing that, eh?'' he winks and pats my knee as I feel my face go completely red.

''Liam!'' I hiss. I know Niall is around here somewhere and I pray to God that he didn't hear what Liam said.

''You know it's true,'' Liam shrugs.

Okay, he's probably right. I might have thought about me and Niall doing dirty things together, like, once. Okay, twice. Goddamnit, okay, I do it all the time. The things that boy does to me. And yes I admit, I have a crush on him. Like, there's really no point in denying it. Not that I am going to tell him anything of my feelings. No way, if I just wait long enough, they'll go away.

When I come back to earth after being lost in my own thoughts for a while, I notice Liam not sitting next to me anymore. He probably went to take a shower. I decide to take a shower too before getting on the bus with the rest of the boys.

''Guys, you in for a movie?'' Zayn asks as soon as the bus started driving.

We mumble an agreement and decide to watch the Avengers (again). Their obsession with Marvel is getting a little bit out of hand. I'm only half interested in the film (a) because I've seen it 20 times already and (b) because Niall is pressed up against me, munching on some crisps while he watches the movie like it's the first time he's watching it. I don't even know how he ended up next to me. There is plently of room next to Liam who is sitting in the corner of the sofa but no, Niall decided it was a good idea to sit next to me. Maybe he wanted to sit next to me. Maybe he knows I have a crush on him. Oh, my God, he knows. And now he's probably thinking of ways to kill me. Oh god- Wait a minute. What am I thinking? Niall wouldn't hurt a fly. Because he's so cute. And adorable. Kissable, too. Damnit, Harry, stop it.

I close my eyes before I do anything stupid like actually kiss him and nod off to sleep, the film playing softly in the back ground.


I wake up a few hours later and the rest of the bus is completely silent. I assume the boys went to bed and, to be honest, this couch isn't that comfortable so I make my way though the dark toward my bunk. I try to be as quiet as possible because I don't want to wake the boys but just when I am about to climb into my bed, I hear some sniffles. I listen closely and a few seconds later, I hear them again.

I tiptoe to where I think the sound is coming from and stop in front of Niall's bunk. Curiously, I open the curtain and see Niall curled up in a ball with his back facing me, sniffles and quiet sobs rocking his body.

''Niall?'' I whisper, putting a hand on his back.

He swiftly turns around, his face red and tears still pouring down his cheeks.

''Hey, what's wrong?'' I ask concerned.

''My mom just called a-and my granny passed away. I-I can't even go to her funeral,'' Niall cries out, pressing the palms of his hands against his eyes.

''Oh Niall,'' I say sadly. His granny was such a sweet woman. I'm going to miss her. ''Why didn't you wake me or the other boys?'' I ask.

''Didn't want to bother you,'' Niall mutters, wiping his wet cheeks.

''Niall, you never bother me,'' I promise. ''Come here,'' I pull his blanket back and tug him in my arms. It is kind of an awkward hug with him laying down and me kneeling in front of his bunk but I don't care. As he pulls back I wipe his face with my hands and press a kiss to his cheek before I can stop myself. I curse myself for not being able to control my feelings and hope he passes it off as friendly. He doesn't really seem to mind it, I see the tiniest smile playing at his lips.

''Try to sleep for a bit, okay?'' I suggest. He nods and I am about to stand up when he grabs my wrist.

''Stay with me?'' He asks, his blue eyes still red from crying. I think for a moment. I don't want to leave him alone and the butterflies in my stomach are going crazy but what if I do something stupid?

''Please,'' Niall mutters desperately.

I take one look at his face and then nod and climb into his bunk since I was already wearing my pyjama. We shuffle around for a bit until I end up behind him. I hesitate with wrapping my arm around him. Maybe that's not what he wants, maybe he just wants me to lay next to him. I can't make up my mind and I don't have to because Niall already has a grip on my hand and pulls my arm to his chest so that I am spooning him. I have to stop myself from smiling too big and lay down on the pillow. I am about to close my eyes when I spot the teddy bear I bought for him as a joke in the corner of his bunk, next to his pillow. The bear is wearing a green t-shirt that says 'kiss me I'm irish'. The fact that he kept the gift made my tummy feel a little bit fuzzy.

''Here,'' I press the stuffed animal to his chest with the idea that it might make him feel less homesick.

''Thanks, Harry,'' he sniffles again and cuddles the bear to his chest. He takes a hold of my hand again and I pray to God that it doesn't feel too clammy. ''You're my favorite now,'' he says teasingly.

''What?! You mean that I was not your favorite before?'' I pretend to be offended. I hear him laugh a bit and I consider it a win.

''You've always been my favorite, Haz,'' I hear him mumble before he falls into a deep sleep.

Okay, that boy has offically killed me. A million thoughts run through my mind as a smile spreads across my face. I press my nose against the back of Niall's neck and inhale through my nose, his intoxicating smell filling my nostrils. He has his own smell, you know, like, very Irish and just Niall. I close my eyes with content and pull the boy in my arms closer.

A/N: Hi :)

I hope you liked this aaaaaand tell me what you think ^.^ bye x

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