Chapter Four

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We don't have a show tonight. Luckily, because I don't think Niall can handle it. We stayed with him all day, even though he told us that he didn't need it. We still stayed in the bus though, we're all very protective of Niall. I actually had plans to go into town today, but I didn't really feel like it and honestly, I was waiting for Niall to come and cuddle me again. Up until now, he hasn't tried to snuggle close to me and maybe I have to take the first step but I am too scared.

Right now, he's sitting near me, talking on the phone to his mom. He's holding back tears and I hate to see him like this. The other boys are out to meet some fans but I agreed to stay here with Niall. I turn on the tv to distract myself but mostly to stop myself from staring at him any longer. It must be creepy to have someone look at you for hours.

I am totally not paying attention to the tv and I can still see Niall from the corner of my eye. Once he finishes his phone call, he sniffles a bit and pulls his knees to his chest to sit curled up on the couch. I contemplate whether I should go and comfort him or leave him alone. I get my answer when he shuffles closer to me, but he's not quite touching me yet.

''Come here,'' I mutter, opening my arms for him.

He sighs and climbs into my lap, both of his legs on one side. I wrap my arms around him and pull him to my chest. He's a bit reluctant at first but he relaxes within a few seconds and presses his face into my neck.

''What did your mom say?'' I ask carefully. I don't want to make him cry again.

''She says she understands that I can't come and that we'll go together to the grave sometime to say goodbye,'' he mumbles into my skin.

''Hmm,'' I hum, raking my fingers along his spine to calm him down.

''This just sucks, you know. But there's nothing I can do about it so I guess I just have to get over it and move on,'' he tells me.

''I think that's the only solution,'' I agree. ''But the boys and I are here to help you and you are not in this alone. You know that, right?''

''Yeah, I know.'' I feel him nod. ''Thanks.''

''Of course.'' I close my eyes and lean back against the couch. I want to kiss his temple but I know I shouldn't.

After a few minutes of my lips itching to touch his skin, I notice that his breathing has evened out. I move my eyes to his face and see that his eyes are closed and his lips are slightly parted, soft little puffs of air coming out of his mouth. I smile to myself. I have the most beautiful boy laying in my arms. Could my life get any better?

Now that he's asleep I muster up all my courage and gently press my lips to his forehead, like I've been wanting to do for quite some time now. I close my eyes too and tighten my arms around him before falling into a dreamless sleep.


I wake up to Liam patting my cheek. I lazily open my eyes and feel a weight pressing onto me. I notice Niall still curled up and sound asleep in my lap. A tiny smile tugs at my lips as I see his fingers loosely holding my t-shirt. 

''Haz? Did something happen between you two?'' I look up to Liam who is still hovering over us.

''What do you mean?'' I ask, genuinly confused.

''Well, you guys are looking quite lovey-dovey, huh?'' he smirks.

''What? No! He was sad and I just-'' I shrug. I don't know what else to tell him. 

''So you just let him sit in your lap,'' Liam finishes my sentence.

''You make it seem like it's weird,'' I exclaim. It isn't weird, right? He does this with the other boys too... right?

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