Chapter Twenty-Nine

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We wake up an hour later. I grin widely when Niall starts peppering kisses along my jaw but I keep my eyes tightly shut, not giving in. 

''I know you're awake,'' he singsongs, digging his fingers in my sides unexpectedly.

''Yes, yes, I'm awake,'' I yelp, giggling uncontrolably as I try to push him away. 

We end up in an upright position with me holding Niall's wrists tightly so he won't try anything. My legs are thrown over his thighs as we're sitting face to face, my forehead bumping with his. I can't resist pressing my lips against his for a sweet peck before curling into him.

''I'm so glad I'm the only one who gets to see you like this,'' he mumbles almost inaudibly, pressing his lips to my collarbones.

''Like what?'' I say confused.

''Like this. After you've just woken up, your hair all messy, and you're always so giggly and cuddly after a good nap. And your lips so pink. Your eyes still a bit sleepy. Naked.'' He whispers the last word and wanders his hand downwards. He doesn't touch me though, but just rests his hand on my thigh. 

I can feel myself blushing so I keep my face buried into his shoulder. I wrap my arms tightly around him and sigh with content.

''I love you,'' I murmer. 

''I love you, too,'' he whispers back, trailing his finger down my spine. I shiver involuntarily and curl closer to him. 

''Guys, soundcheck in 15 minutes! Get your lazy arses out of bed,'' Liam interrupts our little moment. 

''Get away, Liam,'' Niall groans.

''I want you dressed and ready in 15 minutes. Don't be late again,'' he speaks sternly. 

''Ugh,'' Niall sighs. ''I just want to stay here with you.''

''You know we can't, babe.'' I brush some hair out of his face. ''Good thing is, now we can be boyfriends in public too.''

His face lights up immediately. ''I almost forgot about that! Let's go.''

Before I know it, he jumps out of bed and throws on some clothes. I get up too and dress myself as Niall impatiently waits. Once I'm done, Niall pulls me towards the exit of the bus and clasps our hands tightly together. 

''Ready?'' he sends me a grin. 

I nod and kiss his cheek for good measure. We can already hear the fans scream from where they're waiting outside the venue. We walk slowly, our hands swinging back and forth between us, and Niall with a shy grin on his face. It makes me happy to see him so happy, he's literally glowing and so proud to hold my hand. 

We get inside for soundcheck and run through the songs. Afterwards, we wander around backstage until it's time to for the show. Niall's basically jumping with excitement and smothering me with hugs and kisses most of the time. 

I mean, I'm not stopping him. I like the attention. Right now, I'm watching him as he tells every person from our crew that he has a boyfriend and then he points to me with a proud smile. Most of them already know because me coming out was quite a big happening so it's kind of impossible not to know but they just smile happily and listen to him gush.

Once he's told absolutely everybody in the whole freaking building, he comes to sit next to me. He crawls close to me on the couch and settles basically in my lap. 

''Finally done telling the whole world about us?'' I tease, kissing his temple.

''I'm never done talking about you, baby,'' he winks, making my cheeks flame red involuntarily. 

He laughs when he sees my red cheeks and pulls me into him. ''Are you ready for our second date tonight?''

''What?'' He never mentioned a second date. Did I miss something?

''I'm taking you out after the show,'' he says casually.

''Since when?'' I exclaim. 

''Since now,'' he answers smartly. ''So, you wanna go?''

''Of course I do,'' I smile at him. I probably act like some teenage girl with a crush but I just feel so happy

''Good,'' he whispers, his breath fanning over my face as he's that close. He seems to be getting closer by the second and suddenly we're kissing. We've never actually kissed in a public place with people other than the boys around. I'm a bit tentative because I don't want to scar everybody for life by snogging the hell out of my boyfriend, eventhough that is what I'd like to do right now. 

''They're doing it again.'' I hear Liam whine.

''Let them be,'' Zayn retorts laughing. 

It only encourages me to kiss Niall harder, pressing myself closer and closer until we're glued together. Niall pulls away then, causing me to chase his lips.

''Jesus, Harry, let me breathe,'' he laughs when I end up on top of him, ready to go in for another one. 

''Pft, we don't have time for breathing, Niall,'' I say, rolling my eyes.

''Get off of me,'' he exclaims, flailing his arms about in desperation. 

We're rudely interrupted by someone shouting that it's 5 minutes until showtime so I scramble off of Niall and we stumble towards the stage where the rest is already waiting. We put in our earpieces and listen as the first notes of Midnight Memories start to play. I quickly run over to Niall to give him one last peck on the lips before I raise my microphone to my mouth and start to sing as the wall rises and we're out on stage. 


The first show in Amsterdam went great. We have another one tomorrow and then we're off to Milan. Niall and I are walking back to the tourbusses to take us to the hotel. I'm craving a shower and that's also the first thing I do when I get to the hotel. Niall and I are sharing a room (obviously) so it's no surprise when Niall follows me into the room. I wasn't actually planning on taking a shower with him because I know it'll take 6 years longer than my usual 5 minute shower but Niall insists and who am I to say no to that adorable face?

Anyway, we end up showering together aka standing under the stream kissing for the majority of the time. An hour later we're finally done and dressed. It's dark outside but it's a beautiful night. Niall takes my hand without saying anything and takes me to the lift. I don't question him but I have a faint idea where he's taking me. 

We take the lift to the top of the building and then he tugs me to the emergency exit. We're probably not allowed to go on the roof but well, who cares?

''I made a deal with Paul,'' he says as we step onto the roof. 

''Huh?'' I ask, not understanding what he's talking about. 

''I promised not to be a bother for a whole week if he'd help me set this up,'' he states proudly as he motions to the scene in front of us. 

''Wow,'' I breathe out. In front of me are a dozen candles spread out of the whole roof. In the middle stands one of those porch swings with a blanket in case it gets cold. 

''Do you like it?'' he smiles at me and stands on his tiptoes to wrap his arms around my neck.

''Yeah,'' I say, still amazed by how cool the whole thing looks. 

''C'mon.'' Niall takes my hand again and walks to the middle where the porch swing is. He sits down and pulls me into his side. I cuddle close while Niall throws the blanket over us. We watch the stars and talk some but mostly we're just enjoying each other's company. I've fallen completely head over heels in love with this boy and there's no way I'll ever be more in love than I am right in this moment. 

A/N: sorry for the long wait! I'm so busy with school and I didn't know what to write so it took me a while haha. I hope you liked it xox

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