Chapter Twenty-Two

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I slowly open my eyes and I am instantly met by fluffy blonde hair. Niall is still sleeping soundly next to me. His cheeks are a rosy colour, even when he's asleep, and he looks like an actual angel. I'm so lucky to have him. I don't know what I've done to deserve him. A smile takes over my features as I think about yesterday. I'm so glad we made up and can't help but grin stupidly at the 15 million kisses we shared yesterday. 

''Why are you smiling like some creep?'' Niall tiredly mumbles, interrupting me from my thoughts.

''Because...'' I say. ''You make me happy.''

''Oh, God... It's 9 AM. How can you already be so corny?'' he groans but the blush on his cheeks tells a different story.

''You bring it out of me,'' I tease.

''Stop it.''

''Neeeever,'' I say, drawing out the word. I bury my face in Niall's neck and take in his scent. 

''You're so lame,'' he laughs and shakes his head, his hand coming up to rub circles on my back. 

It's quiet for a while after that, both just enjoying each other's company. Niall is apparently thinking hard about something because he keeps frowning and glacing up at me. 

''Babe, what are you thinking about?'' I eventually ask.

''Uhm, I-,'' he stops and looks at me unsure, his cheeks colored bright red. ''I love you.''

My eyes widen. I mean, I told him I was in love with him yesterday but I didn't expect him to say it back, to be honest. I'm completely caught off guard. Meanwhile, Niall seems to be having some kind of nervous break down. His breathing is quick and panick-y, probably because I haven't said anything back, I've just been staring at him. Oh god, I need to say something.

''Niall, I love you back,'' I tell him gently as I pull him in my arms and hold him tightly against my chest. ''You already know that, right? I love you, too, baby,'' I whisper soothingly.

''Yeah?'' he mumbles.

''Of course, I do,'' I smile at him. He's so adorable...

Our little moment is completely ruined by Louis ripping the curtain in front of our bunk aside. ''Guys, you need to see this.'' He sounds worried. I have a gut feeling that this is about the kissing picture. I reluctantly untangle myself from Niall and follow Louis. He takes us to the tv and motions for us to watch E!News.

''Popstar Harry Styles is seen kissing a mistery person. The two were caught snogging in an alley behind the venue where Harry and his band, One Direction, had just finished their show. An anonymous source has confirmed that the kiss was quite intense and it was obvious both were enjoying it very much. They broke apart when they noticed that they were being photographed and Harry went back inside. They alley was too dark to see the face of the mistery girl-''

I stopped listening and studied the picture that they showed. It was obvious that it's me but Niall is barely visible. I feel relief come over me and that makes me feel bad because now I will be linked to various girls who I have probably never met. More importantly, Niall will have to bear it all. 

''So...'' Louis says as he turns off the tv. 

''Yeah...'' Niall mumbles. He seems disappointed. 

I slip my hand into his and pull him into my side. ''Hey, at least now we can take our time and think about how and when we want to come out, yeah?'' I try to stay positive because I know this is hard for Niall. He will have to watch how the media makes up stories about me being with girls, even though I'm his boyfriend. 

He nods and smiles weakly. 

''I'm sorry I'm not brave enough for you yet,'' I sigh. I don't like to see him like this. I want him to be happy all the time. 

''It's okay,'' he smiles again, but I know it's not okay. 

''I love you,'' I say, still trying to cheer him up.

That seems to do the job because his whole face lights up instantly.

''I love you, too,'' he grins and wraps his arms around my neck. I kiss his lips softly, letting him know that this is not going to come between us. 

We go back to my bunk after that, and crawl under the warm covers again. I was going for a cuddle but Niall seems to want something else because before I know it, his lips are on mine and he's straddling me. His tongue enters my mouth in an instance and I eagerly kiss him back. I take his face in mine and snog him deeply, feeling the need to prove my love for him. 

He takes my hand from my face and leads it downwards, pressing it against his crotch. I can feel that he's hard in his boxers, just like me, and it's making something stir in my tummy.  I turn us around so that I'm on top with my knees on either side of his waist and start grinding down on him.

''Ung, Harry,'' he gasps, holding my hips. I continue to do this until he's a quivering mess but the friction is not enough to get us off. I slowly come to a stop and slip my hand into his boxers, keeping eye contact in case he wants me to stop. He doesn't though, and his eyes slip closed when I take him in my hand. 

''Jesus,'' I hear him gasp as I swipe my thumb over his tip. I grin and press my lips back against his so he keeps quiet. He distractically kisses me back while I feel a hand creep down my stomach, towards where I need him the most. I sigh contently when he takes a hold of me and starts pumping. 

My mind is cloudy with pleasure as I try to focus on the movement of my own hand on his member but Niall is making it very difficult with the way he flicks his hand just right to make my toes tingle. His other hand comes up to squeeze in my arm, telling me that he's close. I speed up my hand and within a few seconds, he whimpers and comes in my hand. 

Hearing him come undone does it for me and before I know it, my toes are curling and my orgasm makes me see stars. Shivering, I fall on top of Niall and try to get my breathing back to normal. Once I'm calmed down enough, I take off my shirt and wipe off my come-covered hand. I do the same for Niall's, who's still trying to catch his breath, and throw the shirt in a corner of the bunk. I'll wash it later. Now, I just want to enjoy the post orgasmic bliss with my boyfriend. 

I fall back on his chest and rest my face in the crook of his neck, my legs straddling him again. This is probably one of my favorite moments. Everything is so calm and nice. Niall's trailing his hand up and down my back and I don't think my life can get any better. 

A/N: so yeah. I'm starting college in a few days and i'm excited yet terrified. Anyway, i hope you liked this lil chapter and let me know what you think. Also, do you want me to write Niall and Harry's first time? If you do, who do you think tops, according to this story? Personally, I'm all up for top!Niall but I want to know what you all think :)

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