Chapter Nine

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Niall woke up before me this time and I am pleasantly woken up by his fingers tracing down my spine. My face is still tucked against his neck and I am just able to peek at his face. His eyes are open but he seems deep in thought. I snuggle a bit deeper into him, his hand wavering for a bit before it continues making small trips up and down my back. His other hand comes up too and I feel it cover my own hand laying on his chest. I keep my eyes tightly shut and almost forget to breath when he entwines my fingers with his own. Zayn chooses that moment to call Niall's name.

''Ni? Where are you?'' he walks past my bunk but Niall tugs the curtain away and Zayn sees him immediately.

''Hey, what's wrong?'' His morning voice is like music to my ears.

''We were just- oh, am I interrupting something?'' Zayn kneels down to be on eye level with Niall and eyes our position. 

''No, no,'' Niall struggles finding the right words. I fight off my blush, pretending to be asleep. 

''Mate, have you told him yet?''

My breath hitches. He can't be talking to me, right? No, he's definitely talking to Niall. What the hell is Zayn talking about?

''Look, I'm just- I don't know. I can't tell him yet okay?'' Niall lowers his voice a bit. 

''Why not?'' 

''Because I don't want to risk what we have,'' Niall answers and sighs, tightning his grip on me slightly. 

I am seriously freaking out at this point. Does that mean he likes me back? Is he implying that he has feelings for me? Someone give me the answers, NOW.

''Trust me, Niall. It will make whatever you two have even better,'' Zayn reassures. I'm just glad Zayn didn't tell Niall straight away that I have a massive crush on him. My heart is beating irratically and I am having serious troubles with staying calm and pretending to still be asleep. I need to talk to Zayn as soon as possible.

''Anyway, me and the lads are going out for breakfast so if you guys wanna come?'' he suggests.

''Yeah, I'll just wake him up. We'll be there in a few minutes,'' Niall agrees and Zayn leaves afterwards. 

''Haz?'' He pushes some curls out of my face. I open my eyes slowly, getting used to the bright light shining into my bunk. ''Morning.''

I groan a response and smile at him. He is oblivious to the fact that I heard him talk to Zayn but I can't help the giddy feeling in my tummy. The possibility of him liking me back makes me extremely happy. I try to calm myself down though, I don't want to get my hopes up. 

''Do you want to come with me and the boys to get breakfast?'' He's already almost out of bed but I hold onto him tightly.

''I'd rather stay here, really,'' I blush. I decide to test him a little. 

''I'm hungry, though,'' Niall admits.

''Way to ruin the moment,'' I snort and he laughs. I can see the corners of his eyes crinkling. 

''Get up, sleepyhead. I'll see you in a few minutes.'' With that, he steps out of bed and changes into more decent clothes. I do the same and then follow him to where the boys are already waiting for me. We end up in a small restaurant where it is pretty quiet so that we can eat in peace. I still have to talk to Zayn to see if I can get him to tell me what Niall said to him. 

We talk a bit and eat at the same time before going back to the tour busses so that they can bring us to the stadium where we'll be playing tonight. Niall decided to go for a short nap and that gives me the perfect opportunity to talk to Zayn. I grab his arm not so subtly and drag him to the other side of the bus, away from Liam and Louis.

''Wow, Haz, what's so important that you have to wrinkle my sweater,'' Zayn teases and straightens out the wrinkles I caused by tugging him with me.

''Niall,'' I answer shortly.

''Of course,'' he smirks and wiggles his eyebrows. 

''Shut up,'' I fire back, my cheeks slowly heating up with a blush. 

''Anyway, what do you want to talk about?''

''So basically, I wasn't asleep when you talked to Niall and I want to know what you were talking about when you asked him if he 'told me yet','' I rush out in one breath. My heart is beating slightly faster, I am so desperate for Zayn to tell me that Niall likes me back.

''Sorry, I can't tell you, man,'' Zayn gives me sympathetic look and then stands up from the couch to walk away. Before he can, I grab him by his arm again and pull him down. I am not satisfied with this answer. 

''What do you mean 'you can't tell me', of course you can!'' I exclaim. I need to know the answer before I go and mess up my friendship with Niall by telling him that I have a crush on him. 

''It's not my place to tell,'' he simply answers. 

''Please, Zayn, pretty please.'' I give him my best puppy dog eyes but he's not falling for it. Damnit.

''Listen, I say, you go up to him and tell him how you feel,'' he pats my shoulder and tries to get up again.

''No! I can't tell him before I am sure he fancies me back.'' I clutch Zayn's sweater in my hands.

''Harry, get your shit together,'' Zayn looks me straight in the eye and untangles my hands from his clothes. ''Go talk to him when he wakes up.'' 

I am too late to hold onto him and before I know it, I am left alone with my thoughts. Am I going to follow up Zayn's advice? Well, maybe one day. But certainly not now. We have a show to play. 

I keep quiet until it's time to go to the venue for soundcheck. Zayn gives me some meaningful looks but I ignore them all and do my own thing. After soundcheck I stroll around back stage and talk to the crew to kill time. I am buzzing with excitement when we're all getting ready to go on stage. We do a group huddle and then it's time to go on stage. I can hear the screams and the amount of adrenaline in my blood is getting higher and higher. 

The first notes of Midnight Memories start to play and I get ready to sing the first verse. The wall rises and we're able to jump out on stage, the words falling from my lips as the screams get so loud, I can barely hear myself sing. We continue to mess around on stage until it's time for Best Song Ever and we finish the concert after that. The screams die down but we're still high on adrenaline as we make our way to the tour busses after showering and putting on different clothes. 

I suddenly feel a wave of confidence. I'm going to talk to Niall, right now. I take a deep breath. This is the perfect moment. We have a few days off before our last concert of the Latin American part of the tour so we have plently of time to figure out what is going on between us, if there is even something going on between us. Before I make my way towards Niall, I grab Zayn's shoulder and turn him around to face me.

''I'm gonna talk to Niall now,'' I state.

A smile spreads out over his face. ''Really? It'll be alright, I promise.'' He pats me on my shoulder and walks past me then, getting into the bus. 

I breath in deeply again and try to contain my nerves as I walk up to Niall. 

''Ni?'' He turns around to face me, his eyes warm and inviting. ''We need to talk.'' 

A/N: I am evil :)

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