Chapter Twenty-One

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I manage to avoid him all day until we have to go off to the venue. The show is going to start in a few hours and to say things are awkward between me and Niall is an understatement. He barely even looks at me and when he does he sends me these heart broken glances. I hate to see him like this and I hate that I am the cause of this mess. 

Zayn and Niall seem to be closer too. Niall stays away from me and often finds comfort under the protective arm of Zayn. I hate being jealous of my best friend but that should be me, making Niall feel loved. We didn't even break up! I told him we should take a break

We're currently relaxing in the dressing room until the show starts. I think everybody feels the tense atmosphere. Louis is idly drinking from a water bottle and Zayn seems buried into his phone, just like Liam. I quickly glace at Niall and see that he has his eyes fixed on the ground. I watch him for a while until he suddenly looks up and locks eyes with me. I instantly look away and feel my cheeks heat up. After a few seconds I dare to turn my gaze back to Niall and see to my surprise that his cheeks are also dusted with a blush. It makes me smile that I have that effect on him. 

''15 minutes before show time, boys,'' someone from our crew calls out. I sigh with relief and quickly leave the room and make my way towards the stage. There, my microphone is pushed into my hands and before I know it the first notes of Midnight Memories ring through my ears.


It's an hour after the show and we're lounging in the tourbus. Zayn is fast asleep on the couch but the rest of us is just drinking some juice and chatting away. It feels less tense but that might be just because we're still buzzing with adrenaline from the show. We are now off to Edinburgh for our next show in a few days. Louis is currently telling a story about a girl's sign in the crowd. 

''There was this one girl dressed in a banana,'' I laugh as Louis finishes his long ass babbling and think about the life sized banana on the first row. 

''Yeah I saw that too!'' Niall suddenly exclaims.

The conversation immediately falls silent. Niall hasn't talked to me since the whole we-were-caught-snogging thing and so I'm completely caught off guard.

''Yeah...'' I say lamely, meaning to get rid of the awkward but I'm only making it worse.

We briefly lock eyes before we both turn our gazes away from each other. Louis and Liam obviously notice it and I can see them exchanging some looks.

''Look, guys,'' Liam speaks up. ''Louis and I think you should talk.''

''It's obvious that this is not making you happy,'' Louis continues. 

I keep my eyes downwards and look at my fingers in my lap. I sneak a glance at Niall to see his reaction but his eyes are also turned towards the ground. 

''We'll leave you two here, okay?'' Liam asks when we both keep quiet.

Louis pats me on my back as they walk away and drag Zayn with them too, who's still half asleep. A few seconds pass and no one is saying anything. Eventually I muster enough courage to open my mouth. 

''Uh,'' I start. ''So... How have you been?'' I splutter.

He looks at me and furrows his eye brows. ''Harry, I'm not going to pretend nothing happened,'' he snaps.

''I know,'' I mumble, no really knowing what else to say.

It's quiet between us again after that.

''Jesus, okay, I'm so done with you! Are you even going to say something?'' he yells at me and stands up angrily. 

''I don't know what you want me to say,'' I say quietly.

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