Chapter Three

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I wake up to blonde fluffy hair tickling my chin as I feel someone press their nose into my neck. I jolt awake and quickly take in my surroundings. I sigh with relieve when I remember that I am still sleeping in Niall's bed, and that I am not kidnapped by some monster. Niall has wrapped himself completely around me, the covers pulled up to his ears and his face pressed into the crook of my neck. I am too sleepy to even think about hiding my feelings for him. I tightly wrap my arms around him and rub his back soothingly, hoping that he'll stay asleep for a few minutes so that I can enjoy this moment.

I keep my eyes closed and bury my nose into his shoulder, sniffling him a bit. I know that is creepy but I can't help it. I don't even know what time it is but it must be late because I can hear Zayn shuffling around on the bus so it is at least 1 PM. To be honest, I haven't slept this good in so long. It felt great to be held again and I wish I could do it every night.

Maybe if Niall was my boyfriend, we would do this every night.

Too bad Niall will never be my boyfriend, though.

Of course Niall will never be my boyfriend because he's not even into me. And I'm going to get over him and move on. Yes, that is what I'm going to do. I try to convince myself but it's not really easy when the boy I have a crush on brushes his lips over my collarbones every now and then and it's making me shiver in the best way.

I feel his leg coming up to trap my waist between his legs and I am offically gone. My eyes spring open, I freeze and hope, no pray, that I don't have morning wood. After I am calmed down enough, I let myself relax in his arms. I feel my heart rate slow down and I close my eyes again, a blush warming up my cheeks.

He sighes in his sleep a lot, I noticed, his warm breath occasionally fanning over my collarbones. It's not unpleasant at all by the way. Yes, I know I am enjoying this cuddle way too much but let me have this moment. In a few minutes, he will probably wake up and get out of bed so this is all I'm getting.

The inevitable happens a few seconds later, much to my dissapointment.

''Hey Haz,'' he croaks out, his voice still raspy and filled with sleep. 

''Hey, did you sleep well?'' I mumble back, slowly but surely loosening my arms around him.

''Yeah, pretty good, thanks.''

He doesn't really make a move to get out of bed or something. If anything, he looks quite content laying in my arms. I feel kind of special that he feels so comfortable around me. I can't torture myself any longer and I decide to end this lovely snuggle session.

''I'm gonna get something to eat, yeah?'' I whisper. It seems like Niall went back to sleep again.

He hums in response and lets go of me, his eyes still closed. I climb over him and step out of the bunk. Before I am able to walk away, Niall has grabbed my shorts, his eyes suddenly open wide.

''You'll come back, though, right?'' he asks, looking worried.

''Ehm.'' I know I can't resist him. ''Of course. Give me 5 minutes.''


He lays back down and I make my way toward the front part of the bus to eat something. I make myself a bowl of cereal and sit down next to Zayn after greeting him shortly. Liam and Louis come in seconds after me, pushing each other like little kids.

''You know I won, Payne,'' Louis smirks.

''Only because you cheated, Tomlinson,'' Liam rolls his eyes and lets himself fall on the couch next to me.

The bickering continues for a few minutes until Zayn decides that he's had enough and slaps them both on the back of their heads. It shuts them up though, which is nice. Without noticing, I find myself stuffing the cereal into my mouth because the sooner I finish eating this, the sooner I will be craddling Niall in my arms again. I feel my mouth form a smile at the thought of it. Once my bowl of cereal is (finally) empty I walk to the sink and drop it in there. I want to hurry back to the bunks but of fucking course Louis isn't going to let me go that easily.

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