Chapter Six

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I just want to kiss him. Only one kiss and I'll never ever complain again. I swear. We are now at soundcheck and I literally cannot stop staring at him. He's fixing his ear pieces, his back turned to me, giving me the perfect view of his cute little bum. I want to pinch it. Ugh, I shouldn't be thinking this but, hello, can you blame me? It's his own fault he's so cute.

Louis keeps glancing at me and sending me these suggestive winks. God, I hate it when he does that. He is pushing me to tell Niall but I'm not planning on telling Niall anything anytime soon. I get up from where I was sitting on the stairs on stage and walk towards one of the microphones to distract myself. The other boys do the same and we sing a couple of songs together and then we're done.

I walk backstage and gulp down some water as I feel someone tap me on my shoulder. It's Liam.

''Hey man,'' he plops down on a chair and grabs a water bottle too.

''Hey,'' I greet him. He wants to ask me something, I can feel it.

''So,'' he sighs. ''How's Niall?''

''Ehm, I don't know. Good, I guess. Why don't you ask him yourself?'' I try not to snap at him.

''That's hard when you guys are always together,'' he points out. I fight off a blush. He's right and I know that.

''We're not together right now,'' I remark.

''Harry, he likes you back, just tell him,'' Liam looks me straight in the eye.

"Seriously? Did Louis send you or something?" I am trying my best to keep my voice soft but I wish everybody would just shut up about me and Niall.

"Louis is not the only one who sees it." Liam crosses his arms over his chest and just stares at me.

''I don't care, Liam. Niall is not into me,'' I insist. I almost feel tears prickling behind my eyes when I realise that Niall will never be with me like I want him to be but I refuse to give in. It makes me sad that Niall will never like me like I like him.

''Why can't you see it, Harry?'' Liam throws his hands up in defeat.

''Because there's nothing to see.'' I walk away before I say things I'll regret. I stomp to the toilets and lock myself in one of the stalls. It isn't until then that I notice my wet cheeks. Am I actually crying about this? Are you kidding me? There is literally nothing to cry about.

I tell myself this until my tears stop falling. I walk out of my stall and look at my face in the mirror. I sigh when I see that my eyes are red and puffy. If I walk out like this, everyone will know that I've been crying. I blow my nose in a piece of toilet paper and then walk to a sink to splash some water in my face. Just when I'm about to wet my face, Niall casually walks in. I hold my breath for a moment as he takes in my appearance. I let the water fall back into the sink and keep my back turned to Niall.

''Hey? Are you crying?'' he asks as he walks towards me. His voice sounds concerned. 

I don't say anything but my head is a mess. I try to come up with a good excuse but I find nothing.

''Are you okay?'' His hand is on my shoulder now. ''What's wrong?''

''Nothing,'' I mumble.

''You can tell me you know.'' His hand tugs on my shoulder and makes me turn around. I keep my head down, avoiding his eyes.

''Just a hug then?'' he says eventually, after he realises I'm not going to tell him anything.

I nod weakly and carefully wrap my arms around his waist. He rubs my back soothingly and pushes one hand in my hair. He knows exactly how to calm me down. I close my eyes for a moment and push my face into his warm neck.

The hug is over all too soon and I wish I could kiss his lips now. They look so pink and just... kissable.

"Tell me what's bothering you whenever you want," he reassures me as he pulls away from me completely.

I nod a bit and then watch him disappear into a toilet stall. I take this as my cue to walk away and so that's what I do. I spare one final glance into the mirror and I am relieved to see that the redness of my eyes is not so noticable anymore.


It's now a few hours after the show ended and Niall and I are sprawled out on the couch in Niall's hotelroom. To say I'm tipsy might be an understatement. Beer bottles are scattered around on the table in front of us and some random movie is playing on the telly but none of us is really watching. Instead I focus on Niall's lips. Much better.

Niall babbles some story to me and I am really trying to listen to what he's saying but god, his lips look so plump and pink. I just want to reach out and touch them. I watch as his lips from the words he's saying, his tongue occasionally darting out to wet the skin. His cheeks are rosy, more rosier than normal, probably because he's just as drunk as I am. 

I can barely hear him talking, the only thing on my mind are his lips. I've been looking at them for way too long, I just want to kiss him. And again and again and again... Until we're both out of breath. It's getting harder to remind myself that I can't do that. The alcohol in my system is making me feel dizzy and happy. I am startled from my thoughts when I hear the boy next to me laugh. It's beautiful. I've never heard any sound better that Niall's laugh. His eyes crinkling, the dimple in his left cheek popping out. 

I enjoy the sight in front of me and soak up everything there is to see. The whole picture of Niall is saved in my head. After he's catched his breath his leans back on the couch, holding a bottle of beer loosely in his hand. He sighs, wets his lips again and closes his eyes for a few seconds. When he opens them again, I notice that I shifted closer to him. My heart is beating quickly in my chest and  I feel blood rushing to my cheeks as I come closer and closer to his face. I can't stop myself. I want to kiss him.

So that's what I do. 

A/N: I'm just better with smaller chapters, I think. I hope you don't mind :) anyway, let me know what you think. 

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