Chapter Sixteen

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Niall and I walk back to our dressing room together, our hands loosely entwined between us. I am a little scared of Zayn's reaction. I grip Niall's hand tighter as we walk into the room together. Zayn is sitting on the couch, showing something on his phone to Louis. Liam is om the phone with his girlfriend, not paying attention to any of us.

Zayn glares at me as soon as I step into the room. Niall protectively stands in front of me and glares back.

"I told you to leave him alone," Niall says accusingly.

"He hurt you!" Zayn defends himself.

"You made him cry, for god's sake!" Niall exlaims.

"He made you cry!"

Wait what? Did I... make Niall cry?

"What?" I say, feeling like an absolute dick. I made my boyfriend cry and he was only trying to help me. Zayn was totally right; I don't deserve Niall.

Niall says nothing but that's enough of an answer for me.

"Baby, you didn't tell me that," I say quietly, turning him around to look at his face.

He just shrugs, looking at the ground. I wrap my arms around him and pull him into me, pressing my face into his neck.

"I'm sorry," I whisper.

"Oh no, we're not starting this again," he says sternly.

I just kiss him wetly on his lips and hug him again, wanting to make sure he's fine now.

"God, Haz, you're like a lifesized teddy bear," Niall laughs but hugs me back nonetheless.

"Need to make sure you feel loved," I smile cheesily at him.

"I do," he wraps his arms around my neck and stands on his tiptoes to reach my lips.

"Oh my god, enough guys. Get a room!" Louis speaks up, probably done with our loved up behaviour. I get it though, I mean, they have to miss their girlfriends when we're on tour but I have my boyfriend always right next to me.

Zayn still doesn't look convinced but he's back to minding his own bussiness now. He and Louis turn their attention back to Zayn's phone and let me and Niall be. I sigh deeply, my headache is making me tired. I lean my head on Niall's shoulder and close my eyes.

''You wanna go cuddle somewhere?'' he asks, voicing my thoughts.

''Yes,'' I smile tiredly at him and follow him to the room next to our dressing room where a big couch stands. There is no one in there and Niall locks the door behind us, not wanting people to walk in on us. Niall lays down first and pulls me down afterwards. I fall on top of him and snuggle my face into his neck. I start shivering lightly and press myself further into him. Niall magically fishes a blanket from somewhere and throws it over both of us.

''Go to sleep, love,'' he whispers. I have my eyes closed already and quickly slip into dreamland with Niall's arms securely around me.


I wake up alone and it's not nice. I miss Niall's arms around me and I wonder where he went. I sit up slowly and rub my eyes a bit. I take my time getting up but eventually I sleepily make my way back to where the other boys are. I find Liam, Zayn and Louis but Niall is nowhere in sight.

"Have you seen Niall somewhere?" I ask no one in particular.

"He went to get some food," Liam answers, not taking his eyes off of his phone, probably texting his girlfriend judging by the little smile on his face. And they're saying I'm a love sick fool.

I walk to the cafeteria and I am met by a not so pleasant sight. Niall is excitedly chatting to some girl, who is giggling like there's no tomorrow, and it sparks something in my stomach. It's a completely new feeling but I know what it is. Jealousy.

Also, the fact that I can't go over and kiss Niall full on the lips to show her that he is my boyfriend makes me more irritated. I stay there for a while, just watching them from afar but when she leans over to whisper something in his ear, I'm done with standing back and looking how she steals my boyfriend away from me. I stalk my way over there and turn my frown into a fake smile before I throw my arm around Niall's shoulder, effectively creating some space between them.

"Well hello, there," I say smugly, interrupting their conversation.

"Ehm, hi Haz," Niall answers, his brows furrowing in confusion as he eyes me suspiciously.

"Can I talk to Niall for a second?" I ask the now blushing girl sweetly.

She nods shyly and I take my chance to drag Niall away from her.

"So...? What did you want to talk to me about?" Niall asks once we're around the corner and out of sight.

"Well, nothing, really." I shrug.

"I was having a nice conversation, Harry? What the hell?" He looks at me, waiting for an explanation.

"She was all over you!" I exlaim.

"Oh God, Harry. Are you kidding me, right now?" Niall gives me an unimpressed look and shakes his head.

"You should've seen her! She was undressing you with her eyes! I saw it!" I explain, moving my hands animatedly.

"Jesus christ, Harry," he sighs out. "You're lucky I find this painfully endearing but I would slap you right now if you weren't being so damn cute."

"I just don't want her stealing you away from me," I pout.

"Come here." He smiles and opens his arms.

I step closer and wrap my arms around his neck. He wounds his arms around my waist and rubs my back soothingly.

"I only have eyes for you," he whispers, making my cheeks flush.

I hold him tighter and let he happy giggles escape from my mouth. I pull back a bit and take his hands in mine. I quickly check if there's no one in sight before I press my lips to his for a short peck. We part with a loud smacking sound that makes me want to kiss him until I pass out. I'm ready to go in for another snog but Niall stops me.

''Do you want to go on a date with me?'' he blurts out all of a sudden. 

I look at him shocked. I only just realised that we've never actually had our first date. I swallow thickly and want to answer him when he cuts me off.

''Or, like, we don't have to- I mean, if you don't want to- ehm,'' he stutters and looks at our hands that are still entwined between us.

''No! No, I mean, yes, I want to go on a date with you. Of course I do!'' I almost yell. He looks up at me, a cute smile plastered on his face and his cheeks rosy. I lean my forehead against his and smile too.

''I'll pick you up at your hotelroom tomorrow at 8pm, yeah?'' he pecks my lips and then pulls away from me. I watch as he wanders off to the make up room to get ready for the show tonight and I'm left blushing like a teenage girl. 

A/N: hey! sorry for the long wait but here it is! the next chapter is gonna be the date chapter! (spoiler alert: it's gonna be fluffy)

Dedicated to thenarryloveworld! You are so lovely ^.^ xox

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