Chapter Thirty-One

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The next morning we're in no rush so I let Niall sleep for a bit longer, seeing as he must be in a lot of pain still. During the night, I changed the icepack around his knee twice so I hope it's not as bad as yesterday.

I quietly make my way to the toilet to have a wee and wash my hands afterwards. When I walk back, I see Niall has woken up and looks around him, probably wondering where I went.

''Hey,'' I say to get his attention.

''Oh, hi.'' He smiles but it's a sad smile.

''Do you feel better yet?'' I get back in bed and snuggle up to him.

''It hurts less,'' he shrugs and puts an arm around me to pull me close.

''Thanks to your nursing,'' he smirks.

''It was my pleasure,'' I laugh and blush.

''What time do we have to be on the bus?'' he asks, cuddling a bit more into me, burying his face in my neck.

''Like, 2 PM or something,'' I mumble.

He cranes his neck to check the time. It's only 10 AM now so we've got enough time to get ready. I don't want to get out of bed yet though, Niall is way too warm and cozy. I cuddle into him some more and settle my face into the soft skin of his neck.

''I've got a good idea,'' I hear him mumble.

''Enlighten me,'' I murmer back, not wanting to disturb the peaceful silence.

''We could... take, like, a bath together, because, you know, with my knee and stuff. I need to rest,'' he rambles. I can even see a slight blush on his cheeks.

I grin. ''I'd love that.''

''Yeah?'' He sounds relieved. ''Okay, that's- that's really nice.''

''I'll be right back.'' I untangle myself from my boyfriend and walk to the bathroom to fill the tub. Once the water is the right temperature I walk back and let the bath fill itself while I snuggle back under the covers.

We lay there in silence for a few minutes until I get up again to check on the bath. Once it's fully filled, I turn off the water and pop my head back into the bedroom, where Niall's still laying in bed, not making any movement to get up. 

''Are you coming or do I have to carry you here?'' I tease.

''Well, carrying seems like a great idea,'' he answers thoughtfully. 

I sigh deeply and walk over to him. I wrap one arm under his knee and one under his back and lift him off the bed.

''You are a pain in the ass, Niall Horan,'' I grumble as I carry him to the bathroom. 

''I know you love the pain,'' he winks.

My mouth pops open at the sexual undertone and I blush bright red. ''I could just drop you right here,'' I warn, raising an eyebrow. 

''No, no, love you baby,'' he clings to my neck and presses kisses to the skin there. 

When I arrive in the bathroom, I put him down on the toilet seat and start undressing myself. Niall just sits there and watches me not so secretly, his eyes raking up and down my chest. 

''Do I also have to help you undress or?'' I say, wanting to sound sassy but my still red cheeks probably tell a different story. 

''I can manage,'' he smirks and starts by pulling his shirt over his head. 

I step in the bath once I'm fully naked and sink down into the warm bubbly water. Niall follows soon after and steps in between my legs. I hold his waist to guide him down inbetween my legs and then wrap my arms around his waist as he relaxes against my chest. I sigh contently and bury my face in his neck, closing my eyes to enjoy this moment. 

We are silent for a while until I decide to speak up about something that has been bothering me for quite some time now. 

''Niall?'' I start. He cranes his head to look at me. ''Do you- do you think we will be together forever?'' 

 He's quiet for a bit then, obviously thinking about my question. My heart is beating loudly in my chest. I'm afraid he's realising that being with me is not what he sees when he looks at his own future. 

''That's quite an interesting question, you've got there, Haz. Is that why you've been walking around with one of your frowny faces sometimes, hm?'' he answers, rubbing his thumb over my knee. He knows these kind of questions make me insecure. 

I nod into his shoulder and tighten my grip around him. 

''Babe, I can't assure you that we will be together forever because I can't know what the future is going to be like,'' he says and I nod again in response, not completely content with his answer. 

''But, I do know that I will do everything to be with you for as long as you let me,'' he finishes and I have the goofiest grin on my face at this point. 

''Well, I'm gonna let you be with me until we die so,'' I laugh.

''Then I guess we'll be together forever,'' he shrugs and smiles. I spot a slight blush on his cheeks and I nuzzle my nose into his shoulder. 

''I know that I'm in love you with you right now and I never want this feeling to go away,'' he mumbles. He looks at me again and I lean forward to put my lips on his. He kisses me back with just as much force and love. I'm so gone for this boy, I can't even describe it. 

''I love you,'' I murmer against his lips. I really, really do. 

A/N: last chapter! only the epilogue left :( i hope you liked it xox

(i accidently deleted this chapter so i had to rewrite it but i dont remember exactly what i put in there so that's why it is a litte short, hope you enjoyed it anyway x)

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