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Steve's been waiting in the cell for James to return, after he passed out some guards took him to the nurse but he still hasn't returned... 

The celldoor opens and some people carry a passed out James into the room, they lie him onto his old silly prison bed. The men leave and close the door. Steve gets up and walks over to his roommate. He kneels down to check himself onto him, the glasses got a little crack from the impact when his head dropped down onto the table. There's a bruise on the guy's forehead and some sweating. Carefully takes Steve the glasses off the guy's head and put it on a small table that's been made from stone (so prisoners won't throw with it). Steve sits down on his own bed and keeps his eyes on James.

After a while James opens his eyes and carefully tries to lift himself in a sitting position. "Where are my glasses...?" he asks.

"Here." Steve hands them over. "You okay?"

James doesn't respond, he just puts his glasses on and notices the little crack in one of them. "What happened?" he asks.

"you passed out." Steve replies. 

James nods, he runs his fingers through his hair as he's starting to remember the scene. "Look after me." James say.

"What do you mean..?" Steve's getting confused.

"I got poisoned." James says.

Steve swallows - the droplets. He noticed there was struggle to get just some water but now he knows why, they got someone to put droplets in the water that he was getting for James. Somehow they knew he was getting it for him. "what can I do?" Steve asks.

"Keep track on me. I tried to do that with Sasha, but she always secretly got something to eat. That killed her. The droplets will just do the gaining thing for a week. 1,6kg an hour. if I eat it's 0,45kg a minute. Don't get me anything to eat or drink, and if I have to make it be a fast thing. Or just kill me instantly." James says.

"I don't follow it..." says Steve.

"Formula there." James points to it, still weakly. "Don't make me eat. Keep track on me. Now clear?" 

"no.. why.... what's going on." 

"The hell that cost me my girlfriend." 

"Are you dying?" Steve asks.

"Not if you look after me."

"I thought you wanted dead." Steve said.

"And I thought you didn't want to lose a roommate that didn't want to kill you." 

the two fall into silence, 

Steve gives his tiny notebook with pen over to James. "Write down important information for this." then he adds "I'm not letting you die." 

James nods. and writes down things:

current weight (24th September 2017) somewhere between 40 and 50 kg.
start weight + (hours that passed * 1,6kg an hour) = new weight
new weight + (0,45kg * minutes spent on eating) = weight after eating.

without food included:
1 hour =      1,6 kg
6 hours =    9,6 kg
12 hours = 19,2 kg
24 hours = 38,4 kg

Droplets work for 7 days. in total 168 hours.

DON'T GET ME FOOD! (but in case)

1 minute = 0,45 kg
2 minutes = 0,9 kg

5 minutes = 2,25 kg

10 minutes = 4,5 kg

PLEASE note everything good down and keep track. 

James hands the notebook back to Steve. Steve takes a look at the information. "I'm mean to calculate... without a calculator?" he realizes.

"Yep. Unless you can deal someone for a calculator. or simply steal mine..." 

Steve looks triggered. "You smuggled a calculator down in here?" 

James nods. Then he's getting a painful migraine attack or something that looks like it. 

"Is this supposed to happen?" Steve asks.

"Sasha didn't get this... they either did do something with the recipe or gave me something else." James struggles and decides to lay down and hide under the blankets. 

"I'll look after you." Steve says, he looks back in the notes and writes down what happens now with James. He actually wanted to use the notebook for stories to distract himself, but a real life living story that's coming to the edge of death might be a better one. But it's gonna be a hard time, there isn't really something to define time with.. so how is Steve gonna keep track on the weight of his roommate? He doesn't know yet. He'll ask the nerd about it when he's feeling better.

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