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Steve's sleeping next James. Tgere is only an hour left till everything will be finished.

James watches the boy carefully.. only realizing now how much Steve has changed in this week.

The guy looks totally exhausted, literal mentally burned down, bruises and scars everywhere on his body from either himself and Spikes gang. A thin face caused by joining James on starving for the past 4 days.

James realizes Steve needs a holiday, he realizes that Steve did everything and more than he could ask for.

A cute but exhausted small smile tugs up in the corner of Steve's mouth.

James determines him gently to figure out every kind of change. There's only an hour left till the unknown..

after time passes Steve opens his eyes and sees a huge James staring at him. "morning..." he mutters and gets up. His smile disappears and he walks to his own bed. Sitting doen and smoothly stroking his chest.

"headache.." James mutters under his breathe.

Steve nods, catching every single noise heard in the room. From the very heavy breathing James is making to the soft drippling water in the sink.

"You must be proud of yourself" Steve says.

"what..?" James asks surprised.

"You've kept sane, survived this week. You thought you couldn't do it. You're stronger than you think." Steve says.

James nods slightly.

The door of the cell opens up. "We're taking you two." a guard says.

"With all respect... But I can't move." James says.

"You're going home." The guard says.

Steve and James look at each other full surprising and misunderstanding. They're meant to be here for years.
5 and 20 years, why would they be released.

The guard looks at them.

A team of people come in and take James and put him on a riding bed.

Steve just gets up. The people go away when their mission is done and Stece looks at the guard. "why?" he simply asks.

"for James we did research and noticed it was indeed an accident further this whole gaining seemed like a punishment for both of you." the guard says.

Steve looks at James, a wild smile tugs around his face "we're free." he says breathless.

The guard and Steve pushes the bed with James firward to a room where the guys stuff is storaged, clothes, phones, identity card, everything they had ehen they ever came here. Everything what ever been taken from them they receive back. Steve places everythig on James bed.

The guard looks at them. "Go home." he says.

Steve nods and looks at James, deciding to push the bed to the freedom.

When they stand outside and look at the trees, the nature they haven't seen for a while.. in James case a month and a half.. and Steve's case over 4 years.

"So... I suppose this is the end..." Steve says.

"Not yet... I need to ask you something Steve.." James says.

"I'm not in state to take care of myself... I don't have anybody. Would you want .. or like to look after me?" James asks.

"The nerd needs me once again." Steve smirks.

"I do." James says.

"Let's go home then." Steve says.

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