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it's free time. Meaning the prisoners are brought to the field (inside the prison walls) and get some fresh air. James struggle to keep himself up because he feels bad. Steve watches him. He's feeling nervous but wouldn't show it, showing fear, nerves or any emotion at all could be a dangerous job. Steve sort of feels like he's back in the old days dealing with drugs and never be his life for sure. The darkness of the illegality always called up a nervous feel to him. Something he kicked on it and triggered him for more, it gave him adrenaline.

"I'm back soon. Don't do anything stupid." Steve says to James who just nods. Steve walks to the other side of the field where spike is standing with his crew. 

"Look who we got there, the writing drug." Spike jokes.

"What did you do with James?" Steve asks.

"It's dangerous to ask questions, you know that." Spike says. he signs two of his guys who grab Steve tight. 

Spike takes a closer look at Steve's face. "Why would you want to know what we did to your silly nerd." 

Steve wants to respond but knows it will only bring him deeper in trouble.

"If you really want to know. We wondered what two of those droplets would do to him. According to the story that one kills. A second would be a better effect. But like you see, the nerd barely changed a thing." Spike says.

"He changed more than you think." Steve says.

"He has told you the tale, didn't he?" Spike says, hitting in Steve's cheek.

Steve feels the pain move through his entire head. He doesn't move his head back and waits patiently. 

"You better tell us what he told you." Spike says teasingly.

"I don't know anything." Steve says, glaring at Spike.

Spike signs the guys to let Steve go and they push him to the ground. "Get the nerd." Spike says.

Steve feels adrenaline and failure at the same time. Is he already failing at looking after James? He gets up and starts fighting the gang so they can't get to James. 

James watches the scene. He's dizzy and feels himself getting heavier. He imagines the gang as huge living fish sticks but quickly shakes the imagination out of his head. He doesn't want to let the droplets win over him. On the other hand.. he'll finally deserve for what he did. 

About 10 guards run over to separate the fighting gang and Steve and they bring them all away. James isn't sure where they'd be taken, their prison cells maybe or somewhere else. It sort of worries him, especially the last since no-one will look after him.

He sits down on a bench and looks down at his body. Even though the over sized prison suit is quite big, he's already feeling tighten up to it, he's feeling the starting of pain and suffer from his skin like its already fighting not to rip apart. "Keep sanity. Don't lose yourself." James tells himself as the images pop into his head of food and size. As a fluffy real life teddy bear he could be. At the same time he tries to imagine pictures of Sasha to himself, wrapped up with tape and blankets to make sure her skin wouldn't crack. One of those last days he saw her alive. He closes his eyes but still feel everyone watching him. It's like all the prisoners knows what's going and silently plan to kill him.

After a while they move back to their cell rooms and James gets in his own cell he shares with Steve. He lays down on the bed, curling himself up because the increasing stomach ache. He's feeling headaches but ignores them as much as he can till the point is there he's passing out. 

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