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Steve comes in the room with an envelope. "I've got painkillers for you." he says.

"James...?" Steve asks, worfied when there isn't a single responce.

"Migraine.." James mutters silently.

Steve quiet and walks closer to him. James struggles to turn over and succeeds just yet but it makes his go heavy breathing and sweating. "One day left James." Steve whispers quietly.

James gives him a silent glare.

"want a painkiller....?" Steve asks a slughtly scared of his cellmate.

"Where did you get those?" James asks.

"I made a deal earlier this week but I just got them." Steve says.

James nods distrusting. He stretches out one of his big arms for about 1 inch. Steve carefully drops a painkiller on his hand.

James mouth starts watering by seeinf this thing he could eat. He needs it to fill his empty stomach (and he needs it against the pain).

Steve sees the expression. "Snap out!" he shouts.

James squeezes his eyes shut by the loud noise, making his headache feel bouncy by every echo that repeats in the small room. "thanks" he mutters silently.

James takes the painkiller in and closes his eyes, it's only one second but he does feel the expending.

Steve sits down beside him on the bed, it creaks heavily but it holds both of them. Steve picks on James messy hair and style it a bit.

"What are you doing?" James asks.

Stece quickly pulls his arm back. "I wanted to get the dirt out of your hair. It hasn't been brushed or washed for days." Steve responds.

James gets a small smile in the corner of his mouth.

"what.....?" Steve asks confused.

"Your reaction was funny." James says.

"Oh.." Steve responds a little shy.

"Really what are you doing here in prison Steve. You're not made for this place." James says when his migraine goes down.

"For dealing in drugs." Steve responds with a sigh.

"You got forced into that, It wasn't your choice." James says.

"how do you-"

"know?" James finishes Steve's question. "you're not tough enough to think about doing it."

"I am tough!" Steve raises his voice.

"You're too kind and caring and you blame yourself for every mini thing that goes wrong. You haven't smoggled anything inside prison while me, the nerd smoggled a calculator. Come on Steve. It's pretty clear." James says.

"Are you Sherlock Holmes?" Steve asks.

"No. I'm a fat nerd."

"And that's my fault." Steve says.

"this is what I mean. You blame yourself again for nothing." James says.

"oh." Steve says. then it's silent between the two for a few seconds. "Do you miss your girlfriend?" Steve asks.

"Yes... and no... Everytime she comes to my mind my only thought is that I killed her because my desperation..." James says sadly. "Do you miss anybody?"

"Yes.. I miss the thin you."

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