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Some days passed away. James has been more like a broken man, or maybe better said... soft teddy bear. He couldn't do anything, he can't get himself moving away which is a bit of a good point so he can't really get something to eat. Steve has been there for him. He managed to refuse to get to the canteen. The guards usual will do everything to get their people leave the cells whenever they're allowed to but they sort of gave up on the two. 

James is just laying in bed. His hanging on the 100th hour he's weighing 230,5 kg at the moment.

Steve watches James carefully. He watches him quite a lot, trying to make sure his roommate keeps or be okay. He notes some stuff on the papers in the tiny notebook, doodling and writing, calculating tiny things and trying to find any motivation to help James out of depression. 

"You're doing great." Steve says gently.

"You're lying." James responds.

"I'm not, you're keeping sane, yes you're depressed but that's fully understandable, but you haven't given up, you haven't tried to end your life which is the easy way out while I've tried that." Steve says, pointing to the scar of damage in his throat and cuts in his wrists. 

"I wouldn't trust you on your own." James mutters. "You'd end your life while you're a good person who only made the wrong decisions." 

Steve nods, he knows that's true. He doesn't see the potential he could have.

"When are you free from here?" James asks suddenly.

"5 years." Steve responds.

"They'll let you go before." James says. Closing his eyes when a heavy headache starts to torture him.

"when will they release you?" Steve asks.

"20 years." James says. "But I won't make it." 

"That's nonsense." Steve responds a little quiet, he doesn't want to make the headache worse.

James remains quiet, he looks at the guy, James doesn't wear his glasses anymore, he got annoyed by the scratch that was in them and it was feeling pretty tight on his head since the whole gaining. "I won't survive this." James says whispering.

"You will." Steve says, not looking up from the notebook. "I feel guilty for what happened to you." 

"You shouldn't."

"I gave Spike the droplets, so he could poison you." Steve says.

"I know. I understand why you did, It's dangerous not to do what Spike says." James mutters.

Steve nods.

James sighs. "2 days and 20 hours left." 

"You're almost there." Steve concludes.

James gives him a little glare. 

Once again it remains silent.

James looks at his fingers and bows them slightly, they've gone fat, almost too fat to bend them. there's too much skin, too much meat. He turns away from Steve once again and closes his eyes to take a nap. His breathing is heavy caused by all the weight. James is strong but to wear twenty-four-seven over 200 kg on your body when you're used to waaaay less than that. It's exhausting, it's like sporting on a treadmill the entire day without a break. The skin that hurts when it's being overstretched without settling down.. the headaches that's killing him because he forces himself to be sane. He feels like he's killing himself but he knows that even when this week is over, the weight won't be gone. It will keep there for maybe even years and he knows he might not be able to handle that. 

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