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"Steve..." James whispers after a while.

"yeah..." Steve mutters, he's still crying heartbroken but he's calmer at least.

"I'm sorry about earlier... I was so mean. I didn't mean to be mean like that.." James says guilty.

Steve remains silent, he listens.

"I felt so much pain .. I still do, it triggered me. I never should have broken your heart like that." he contonues.

Steve strokes his fingers ovee his own legs while sitting in the corner of the prisoncell. Listening carefully while his hearr aches like it's been squeezed, like someone makes him choke my squeezing his throat.

"I really appriciate you, you're my friend and only friend. It's been a hard week for both of us. You've done amazing to look after me. I should have been more grateful towards you..." James says

Steveopens his mouth to say something but refruses.

"I'm sorry for being so incredable harsh onto you." James says. "It breaka my heart to see you broken, especially when I'm the person causing it."

Steve keeps silent.

"Will you ever trust me again?" James asks as last.

Steve thinks, deep and careful before he replies. "A second chance is a rare thing. I know what you go through. I know you suffer. I only will. If I know you won't hurt me like that again, can you swear it?"

"I swear it on Sacha's grave." James brings out.

Steve looks at him. "It was stupid to think you'd accept me to be gay on you."

"No, it's stupid I yelled at you for being yourself. Don't understand me wrong.. but I'm still grieving over Sacha.. you want things to fast or.. just do things to fast."

"do you mean you love me??" Steve blurts out.

"I didn't say that." James says gently, trying not to hurt him again.

Steve takes a deep breathe and lays down on the cold floor. "Only 15 hours left James.. till you'll be normal again."

"Steve... this fat will keep.. I just won't keep gaining it.. it might take me years to get rid of it.. especially when i'm so inmobile like this." James saya nerdies.

"Can you calculate it?" Steve asks.

"Body weight - 0,258gram a day by not eating = answer" James says.

"Don't ever do that starving thing again... I was terrified that it was gonna kill you before this gain stuff happened." Steve says.

"James..." Steve starts again.

"yes..?" James replies.

Steve keeps quiet. Then says. "Sorry for disappointing you."

"You've never disappoints me. And don't even name anything." James replies.

"James...?" Steve asks again.


"Can I sleep in your bed...?" Steve sounds broken.

"Come in." James sighs lightly.

Steve gets up and climbs in James bed. James carefully strokes the arm of the small creature next him, trying to comfort a broken heart.

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