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A group of mothers chatted at their party table while you had a quick soda break. When finished, you set the labeled cup back on the table and jetted, heedless of it toppling to the floor.

You heard your name from the infamous stern voice of your own mother. You skidded to a halt and she simply pointed to the small cup. You ran back and picked it up.

"Now put it in the trash. It has germs." you were instructed. You snorted but obeyed, throwing it into the pile of other party garbage with slight aggression.

Now you were allowed to return to the other kids, and did so at full speed. You had actually come back just in time, for the most exciting part was about to transpire. The birthday girl had her own cake brought by her parents, but the restaurant always gifted their signature cupcakes, and it was catered out in a special way.

Freddy had been removed from his domain. In his free hand was a plate holding a large, pink-swirled pastry. The kids gathered and cheered on the bear. You always thought it was amazing to see these characters walk, feeding your beliefs of their living existence.   

"Freddy is going to sing you his special birthday song!" a woman announced, triggering the yay's and hopping. You were lucky enough to be up at the front.

Everyone gathered around Freddy as one of his many tunes began playing. He barely started when a girl behind you just couldn't contain herself any longer.

"[First Name], move! I can't see!!" she squeaked, her hard shove stronger than her voice. You flew forward, coming straight into rough contact with one of Freddy's large legs.

The animatronic tilted back sharply, and the woman immediately grabbed the bear and rebalanced him carefully. In her panic she hadn't thought about the plate and cupcake.

You got back to your own feet when the sound of breaking porcelain rang in your ears. You heard the impact before your body caught up to feeling it. The plate had fallen on your head and broke.

The cupcake was next to splatter onto your face and shoulders. The cherry on top was the shrill laughter of the other kids. The instinct to cry out was unavailable as your brain scrambled to focus. The laughter ceased when parents quickly arrived and angrily hushed their kids.

Your name left your mother's mouth again, but in a much different tone. You were embraced and the tears finally fell. The employee was in a greater panic, but her boss was quick to step-in. He was an older gentlemen. Little did you know he was actually Fred Fazbear, owner of the entire establishment. 

He approached your frantic mother and took the liberty of helping her clean your frosted face. Your [Eye Color] eyes were very much visible and shaken up and staring straight into his. He gave off a strange influence that put an end to the rest of your trembling.  

"Ma'am, I can assure you that I'll cover all of the little one's medical bills if you care to get him checked out. Would you like me to call an ambulance for you?" he asked your mother gently.

"No. I think...I think he's okay. It's just a little bump. Thank you, though..." she answered. A team of paramedics may've freaked you out, anyway. 

"Let me at least give you this," He handed her something you couldn't see.

What was going on was something that'd explain why you'd be spending so much time at these restaurants in the near future. Fred had gifted a voucher good for basically a lifetime. A voucher that'd allow your family into any Fazbear-owned business whenever desired, and given a free party. She'd never actually tell you, but would instead surprise you and your sister with visits.  

"This is awfully generous for a bump on the head, sir . . ." She wasn't complaining, but was a little more than surprised by the apology gift.

"Well I'm just wanting you to know I'm deeply sorry about this incident, and plan on never letting it happen again to anyone else. Plus I don't want your boy here to be terrified of this place because of a little accident." 

Fredbear Stockholm (YanderePurpleGuy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now