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Today you were enjoying a large cake slice from a generous party. It was your favorite kind with plenty left. What was the harm?

You barely started eating it when a child sneezed in your direction. A trail of slime slid down her nose and her parents cleaned her up, but your hands had been sprayed.   

You slipped away and trashed the cake slice, and spent a long time in the bathroom washing your hands with endless soap and hot water.

Fate was a bitch. You woke up several days later with a sore throat. 

"Effing kids..." you'd say out of spite.

With your fresh cold to the side, you were ordered to stay at the Prize Corner all day without talking to any guest. 

"What if the kids want the Puppet?" you asked Peter when waiting for the place to open. You struggled to contain the forming coughs. 

"That's now for parties that request it; which will cost a bit extra, but y'know, a lot of these kids have authority over their parents instead of vice versa. No complaints here. It helps bring in good coin." he said avariciously and made money gestures with his fingers.

"Anyway, ya need anything from me before I disappear? Soda? Water? ... Tissues?" he asked at the same time you sneezed in your mask. His smile cracked. 

"Grin all you want, but those would be useful." you snorted. 

He snapped his fingers and left. You grabbed some paper towels from the restroom, only to come back to a box of tissues on your counter.

             Peter actually gave these to you? 

It was a little foreign to see him provide something of need. The trash bin behind the Corner filled after only a few hours. The day was painfully slow.

Eventually Zan meandered over here when there was just one family dining.

"Wut's upp?" you greeted after blowing your nose. His face twisted a little, grossed out.

"Y'know, for once, I'm actually wishing I was back in the suit. Shield and all..." he joked while watching you straighten your mask.

"Yeah right. I bet you'd take second-hand snot over the built-up bacteria in that sweat box." you countered.

"I....fair enough."

"So wattya want?" you asked again. 

"Nothin' much. Just came to see how you were doing. Which it looks to not be so well."

"I'll be fine. Just not used to being sick. You should probably get back to work. Peter's bitchy today." you encouraged. 

Zan was the only person here who was a pleasant to chat with, and you'd hate for him to get canned.

"Go back to what? Harassing the family who've already told me twice that they don't need anything?" he said.

            Okay, that's fair. 

You reached for another tissue and turned away.

"It's a weird question and all, but I gotta ask, how do you get to work so early?" he brought up.


"You're always here first. With Peter. Do ya live close to this place, or...?"

This wasn't a detail you expected anyone to notice. However, he practically gave you a way out.

Fredbear Stockholm (YanderePurpleGuy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now