Foreign land

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Your laughter ran out by the time you were soddened in heavy rain. Standing another second in Candy's parking lot was not possible—There was a lunatic nearby.

Fears of a glassy-eyed, bloody-thirsty Victor running after you sent another burst of energy through your legs, and you high-tailed it away from Candy's property.

The thick rain made it almost impossible to see where you were headed. You tripped over a few speed bumps and met an objecting wall of wiry bushes, causing irritating welts. 

You kept running in a straight direction, knowing it had to take you somewhere. Your saving grace were the street lights, revealing you were almost in the streets. Roads and blinding rain were never a good mix.

Eventually chest cramps had you concede. You wheezed until all breathing recovered. A panic zapped you, wondering if Victor had chosen to give chase after all. You threw a gaze over your shoulder but couldn't see anything. Literally nothing; a thick wall of rain and mist, but no mad man.

               If you can't see anything then neither can he. 

You turned back, clothes already ten pounds heavier. There was a sudden break in weather. The rain softened and twinkling lights of various businesses introduced themselves.

You gulped and ran across the flooding streets to the first outside building you've ever made contact with in ages. Ironically it was another food place, but had quite a bit more class than a children's restaurant.

               You aren't supposed to be here... 

And yet every chance was there; you could elude to the nearest shop, flag down any car that was wading through the flood, walk back Home yourself. You could've done so many things to finally save yourself.

Instead you sprinted through the abusive weather, resembling some scared wild animal. The epinephrine still going strong in your system helped you keep a fast speed while passing several more blocks.

You managed to land in one of the public parks, largest one to be exact. A hinge of old memory returned, helping you piece together a mental map. You took shelter in the empty bus stop and surveyed everything. 

The inner walls had their typical graffiti, but what had your attention were the few pinned posters, one of them at least.

It was a little hard to make out due to rain damage, but you could guess what it all said. It was of you, after all. 

Have you seen me?

Under were more illegible words, smeared by the rain. You took your eyes off what was best described as a ghost and focused back on becoming familiar with this area.

This park was near the center of town. Drawing out a new path,  you prepared to start in the direction of the pizzeria.

               Run. Don't walk.

Before you even could, vibrant flashing lights announced themselves; a patrolling officer had turned the block. Typical, as young junkies tended to hang around here. 

You received a quick memory of those teens who introduced your old friends to drugs at this very spot a couple years back. And right across from here was where Peter had spied on you that same day.

You bolted from the bus stop and headed for a thick bush. You huddled and pinned your gaze on the patrol car. It slowly rolled by. The people who would've saved your life were now just seen as enemies. 

Your luck bar rose again as another wave of heavy rain vented itself onto the town, shielding you from sight. The officer moved on, lights disappearing.

Standing back up, you carried on, eyes jumping everywhere. After what seemed like hours the lights of Fazbear's were in view. You hiked up the large hill behind the restaurant to avoid risk of being seen by anyone else. By the time you made it your energy was completely spent. 

You dragged yourself to the front and leaned on the glass doors, catching your breath for the final time.

You made it this far and escaped Victor completely. That creep couldn't find the nerve to seek you in the rain while you practically swam in it. You cracked a smile and stared at the twinkling town a few miles away. 

Your balanced was suddenly ripped away as the door swung open, causing you to fall into a bewildered Peter.

"The fuck are you doing?! What the hell happened?!" he asked in hysterics while looking out to see if anyone else was around. You'd yet to answer, storing it for when you were inside.

"The hell off me!" He shoved you away, grumbling at the copious amount of water you tracked and splashed on him. You sloshed through the entrance, dripping heavily onto the carpets as you stopped near the dining area. 

"You gonna tell me what the hell's going on?" he inquired again.

"Well ... for starters ... your fucked-up cousin tried killing me." you explained between breaths. Peter's seething eyes loosened, giving attention to your drenched clothes. For a tense minute he was still and silent. 

"Why? What happened?" his voice lowered to that not-fucking-around tone.

"He tried feeding me his drugs. I refused and he got mad. I defended myself and he whipped out a pocket blade. I may've ran through town, but that's better than finding me sliced up." You wrung out your sleeves, water gushing onto the carpet below.

"Stop doing that. Go change." He sounded pretty calm for what you just informed him. 

Deciding against rinsing off before changing, you carried the scent of rain and wet leaves after replacing your soaked apparel. There was something calming about it, something natural. Your soaked, flattened hair veiled your face.

"Alright. C'mon." Peter instructed after you emerged. You eyed the keys in his hand.

"Fuck, you aren't sending me BACK there, are you?!" You almost panicked.

"No. Chill out, princess." 

Well Rachel's wasn't on the list anymore. So where else could he take you?

"With word from the guy at the station, police are everywhere tonight." he said.

"Tell me about it," you murmured. 

"So we'll stop by my place and then I'll check up on Victor..."

               PETER'S place! 

You rarely thought about his actual home. He never talked about it and spent most of his time here at the restaurant. A collage of ideas of Peter's residency filled your mind. This outta be interesting . . . 

"I'm sure you're just dying to know what my house that you thought never existed looks like." He was always able to guess your thoughts quite well.

"I'll have you know it'll turn out nothing like you probably imagined. Or...maybe it will." A shadow-grin touched his face and he lead you out the building.

"Doubt it. Unless it's purple too." you smirked. 

"You're so funny." he replied with zero tone and pulled out a piece of wrapped gum from his pocket before opening his car.

Fredbear Stockholm (YanderePurpleGuy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now