Cutting the Strings

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You've been separated from them for ages. It was the worst feeling in the world. You'd rather die a thousand times over than to deal with this . . .  loneliness

Each one had been dispersed in their own void, scattered just like the remnants of this strange Place, this realm of animatronic pieces and fright. 

And you had no control. Everyone—all of you—were at the mercy of the deplorable purgatory this vicinity molded for these poor wandering souls.

And as if that wasn't enough, He was back. Running loose. 

               All of your hard work after so many years was crumbling...

But there had to be another way...

There was.

The uniformed man trembled before you. He was one amongst many skeptics, laughing at the Fazbear legends when taking on the job as Fright Fest security. He barely knew of the gore-y history, not counting the endless stories of murders. 

But he thought it was both equal parts enthralling and farcical. Somebody going this far to create a scary theme park dedicated to childish legends. 

But a job was a job.

The first night was all about boredom and sitting around, like every other night guard you encountered. But for once you weren't desiring to kill them. You've finally discovered the real importance of The Living. All it took was one person, the key to transcend. In the past you'd been too much of a proxy to vengeance and violence, blackening your mind and omitting your ability to be sensible.

Someone with living flesh could aid your search in not only Them, but your former self. Losing memory of who you were kept you from moving on. 

The frightened guard looked ready to blow his brains out with his own pistol, all to escape from what was closing in around him. If a heart attack didn't get him first.

He was aware of the rotten statue rummaging around in this eerie building. He assumed in the beginning that it was all just some prank of the sort by management, until the putrid rabbit began pulling its jaws open in front of a security camera. The calcified crust gluing its jaws shut cracked and broke until the wall of teeth revealed its prisoner;

Mummified skull, no longer looking human. Its eye sockets were still invaded by the large, inanimate glassy eyes that had impaled the organic ones a lifetime ago, when the suit's locks failed on that stormy night. There were a trickle of teeth left standing tall on the lower jaw, worn down and deteriorated from age. 

Why it did this grotesque trick was unknown, but perhaps it was trying to send a message:

               İ̵̴̷̧̼̤̋͢͢͠'̷͔̀m̶͖͘ ̶̤́h̴̨̏e̷͓̊r̷̢̃ë̷̲́.̶̺̉ ̴͎͒G̵͕̓o̸͎͗i̷̹͆ñ̴̖g̸̲̕ ̸̢̔t̴̎ͅo̵̸̗͙͂̍͢ ̶̩͌k̸̖̋ȋ̷̴̭̙̑͢ľ̷͍l̸̽͜ ̵͇̇ȳ̵̮ỏ̶̥u̴̱͐.̶̴̸̟͔̱̅̇͢͢͝.̷̮͌.̷̶̹͈͊͛͢

The guard would go for his firearm and then realize that a bullet wouldn't stop this creature of the necrosis. He could, however, trick the robot monster into following a recording he'd mechanically trigger, emitting a childish laughter over a speaker. And the rabbit from hell would fall for it. 

Now he contemplated turning the firearm around, to save himself from going through a world of hell if the walking dead got to him. The phone line was dead, and leaving was impossible. The rabbit was too close to the exits. He'd already seen this thing run—like a Goddamn person. 

This is when he saw you, a moving puppet, along with two dark shadows that looked like the Fazbear characters all over again, appearing out of a corner.

The weapon came close to his cranium.

"N o ," you intervened, holding out a stringy hand. Out of some miracle he was able to understand, despite no one else ever being able to. He was just as amazed as you were. He lowered his arm and you saw your chance.

"I' l l   h e l p  i f   y o u  h e l p  m e ." 

The closer you reached his mind the better your communication skills revived. 

He looked understandably hesitant, but when realizing you weren't a true hazard, he relaxed, allowing you to approach. Not that he had a real choice, he might've been wondering.

When warm feelings of physical thoughts drizzled onto your cold dead mind, the mental blocks that impaired you ever since existing like this dissolved, and a person was now seen in your head; one who looked more and more familiar as he came into clear focus.

Fredbear Stockholm (YanderePurpleGuy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now