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Victor's temper mimicked Peter's and many would say that the two were the same. But Peter was the one to respect. 

Vic was definitely a lesser, and he couldn't bring himself to voice his curiosity on Peter's plans over the years. Even in Victor's standards he was at a loss of words when he found out about his cousin's biggest success. The Purple had found a certain someone. Then captured. 

Vic presumed Peter was going to do away with this special someone, just like every other victim who'd stumble into the deathpath of the deranged Man. But Vic greatly misjudged things. His greatest error was not following the most simplest rule; don't touch what isn't yours. 

Victor gasped and nearly lost control of his stomach. His hand would continue to suffer damage, much more than it already had.

This time he could feel the hot pain. His face was absent of damage—until he forcibly met the edge of the party table again. And again.

There was a tiny crunch in the bridge of his nose that he heard more than felt. Like a faucet the scarlet water came rushing.

"I get it, Peter!" he shouted with bruised vocals. The calm, shadowy greater above him began to speak:

"No. You don't." 

The savage grip on Victor's hair was released. His pinned, bleeding hand received more attention. Peter claimed the handle of Victor's own pocket knife and slowly pulled it out of Vic's flesh.

Victor groaned when the blade left his body, arm shaking. There was finally a genuine fear in him; afraid of the stronger creature above. He had already attempted a battle—it earned him a stabbed hand.

"Otherwise you wouldn't have done it to begin with."

Victor's slimy palm slid down off the table, leaving a red trail.

"Come at me again and your throat is next." Peter warned, staring at the dripping blade in odd admiration before averting his gaze to the lesser, who promptly heeded his threat.

The man in green finally turned himself over and slumped all the way down to the floor with the rest of his dignity.

"No...I do get it..." he spoke.

"I apologize for trying to kill your little toy. No one else is to touch them. I get it, Peter." Even with his new bleeding wound, the weaker was able to relax and parallel his cousin's rationality. 

"They're of more value than that." Peter said and turned away, leaving the wounded Green to bleed on the tiled floor.

"What IS your damned obsession with that family?!" Victor's voice suddenly arose. He must not've been afraid of Peter coming back and adding to the gore.

Peter continued to saunter away, clearing most of the dining area before stopping and remaining still for over a minute.

"They're rare to me. Hard to explain. But it's something you'll never understand." he finally answered.

"Oh, and don't expect any worker's comp." He descended down the dark hall.

"You're fucking crazy you know that!" Victor sputtered angrily.

There would be no retort from the man in Purple. 

Fredbear Stockholm (YanderePurpleGuy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now