End of days

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Fred stood with Peter as he watched the Fazbear band performance.

               H-H-Hey everyone! Welcome to Freddy F—F—ä̵̲̤̱̥̻́̈́̚z̷̡̙͕̜͎̓̐̏́b̴̧̨̪̥̻̦̫̖͍̈́̈́̌͐̎ͅẽ̴͖̎̈́͑͑̒̂͑̈́â̸͖̗̿̀̔̍̀r̸͍̠̿'s Pizza!

Freddy butchered his greeting. The other animatronics weren't any better. They stuttered and looped their lines. Parents glanced at each other while gossiping.  

"Mechanic take the day off or somethin'?" asked a father. None of these robots were acting orderly.

The children however, could care less. They crowded the stage and cheered for the giant robot animals in tradition as they'd always done for years. It was the pizzeria's saving grace.

"That certainly ain't normal. When's the last time you checked their circuits, Pete?" Fred inquired.

"Just the other day. Everything's up to date and all. Don't know where this crap came from." Peter said, trying not to scratch around his fresh neck bandage. The wound beneath still stung. Fred never asked him about it, and Peter preferred it this way.

"So why are you up here again?" Peter questioned. It wasn't like Fred to pay random visits. 

"Just thought I'd stop by while in the area. Went to Candy's first, kinda in honor to Doug and all...You know his father never set up a funeral? Just a quick private burial. Told me he didn't want the media to know that the victim was one of the owner's kids. Controversy, y'know..."

"Smart man." Peter remarked, still leering at the stuttering robots.

Concern molded the older's face as he glanced at his director. The younger looked solemn, grim, ...apathetic. He'd known him for a long time, but this was the first in ever feeling disturbed by his attitude. He could almost feel the flicks of shadowy flames emanating off this purple man. 

Peter caught him staring and offered a friendly grin, but it seemed so deceitful, so secretive. Like a mask. 

               Speaking of . . . 

"Hey, what ever happened to that one kid you had playing as the Marionette puppet? Customers talked about 'em a lot. Seemed popular." 

"Fired 'em. Just the other day." Peter answered almost too fast. His face seemed to stone up even more.

"Really now? Huh... wonder why. They seemed to make a lot of the parties go 'round. Got countless good reviews." Fred said.

"Got tired of their shit."

"What'd they do wrong?"

"Plenty of things. They weren't too responsible with the job after hours; Fights with other staff, even one of the guests, drinking on the job...dirty things like that. Had enough." Peter explained, his hand slithering back up to the bandage kissing his neck. 

"Damn. That's a pity." was Fred's only response. The real puppet would be set up soon enough, anyway.

"Someone else quit about the same time. I dunno why, but I think the two guys were buds and were just looking out for each other. Either or, no big loss." Peter shared.

"Was that the manager you said you lost? Not the one before that but...the most recent one."

"Yeah, but like I said, no big loss. They're all replaceable." Peter's lips thinned against his teeth.

"Well...anyway...I'm just glad I came by. Seems like I made phenomenal timing with how things are starting to screw up." Fred stated.

"Wouldn't sweat it. These guys are at their end of days. Next month the new place will be ready for grand opening. The new toys are almost finished. Still lacking some of their proper sensors, but I'll reach out to the warehouse this week." Peter informed. 

Fred stood contemplating for a moment.

"The old animatronics have them though, right?"

"Of course. Why?"

"Do you think we can just ... take 'em outta these guys and put 'em in the new folks?"

Peter shrugged, 

"Could work," he figured. 

"Well, find out and lemme know in a few days. All this stuttering going on is unacceptable, and quite frankly embarrassing. I'll see you during the new set-up. Take care." Fred took one last look at these miserable characters before leaving.

"Will certainly do," said Peter. He spent the next minute leering at the band while prodding his bandage. There was a deep ire roiling in his core as he and the singing bear held stares.  

Fredbear Stockholm (YanderePurpleGuy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now