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You weren't enjoying the Marionette' company at first. But all displeasure subsided when remembering how useful it was at harboring an illicit tool.

Why you never fancied to use said tool for escape you weren't too sure. Or maybe you were.  A part of you—no, the majority—didn't want to leave Peter.

              You gave in to the enemy, 

a small drop of sanity would splash into your conscience from time to time.

This would be the first day of preparing for the morning without having smeared fantasies of escape.

Granted you still loathed what you did, but you did it all for the sake of keeping Peter happy. And nourishing this new alter ego; Puppet.

You had forgotten about this new Prize Corner until seeing the stand in all its obnoxious glory.

"Ugh..." you quietly groaned.

"It's good to see your enthusiasm." Peter had an uncanny talent for just appearing.

"Oh, it's just splendid! I can't wait to look like some desk job bitch." you groused.

"Well whatever you make of it just know you aren't allowed to leave without permission. Also, there are no birthday brats today so you'll be at the corner all day like the lucky bastard you are." he ran through everything, adding more grueling rules.

              And the day hadn't even begun yet.

"Can you not just put the collar back on me? Believe or not I felt more freedom with that thing." you said.

"We're long past the point of needed that anymore. I do these things for a reason, Puppet. Get over it." He gave off clear signs of his low tolerance today.

"So what am I to do at this super special corner of prizes?"

"There's a guide behind the counter that tells you what to do. A trained ape could follow it." he informed.

"Mask. Now." he suddenly commanded. The opening crew were showing up. You slipped on the Puppet face and hopped over the counter. Before Peter got ten steps away you called out to him:

"Do I get any bathroom breaks?" 

He narrowed his eyes and kept progressing to his office.

               Whaaat? It was a legit question! 

You smirked behind your mask.

Four employees settled in, only one to have your interest was Zan. The enthusiastic young man waved to you and pranced over this way like a silly kid.

"Damn, you're here early. When did ya get up here?" he asked.

"Uhh...'bout twenty minutes ago." you made up.

"And I thought I was a morning person."

"Believe me, I'm far from a morning person." you said with a small laugh so he wouldn't sense your grump.

"You truly are an interesting person. You hate your own face but still do a fine job at entertaining guests and kids and have a funny sense of humor." he randomly stated.


"That wasn't a bad thing, man. Didn't mean to make it sound like it was."

"Yeah, I hear ya." you said.

"So, what are you doing behind here? What's this new Prize Corner all about?" he asked, scrutinizing the small plastic toys and plush dolls.

"I was actually kinda asking Peter the same thing. It's supposedly a test run for what the new pizzeria will have. He wants me in charge of managing it I guess. Hell knows why." 

Fredbear Stockholm (YanderePurpleGuy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now