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A long awaited QnA that I wanted to do properly without making it extra sloppy. For those who even care, I'm posting a few QnA's that I've received and made over these long years of working on this piece. It's been around for longer than you think. I had a FF account once upon a time, but the piece was pretty bad and didn't get the best feedback. 

We're all beginners at some point. But I humbly can agree that my developing skills weren't ready to take on such a huge, deep story, and so I took it down and kept it on the hotplate as I grew more skilled in the art of literature. 


I'm also practicing getting to know my readers better. I'm usually a hermit who doesn't respond much, and it's a true habit I'm trying to break. Because I'm kinda like this irl as well. So this particular thread is for fun trivia on this weirdly addicting story, and also me as a person. You can of course also ask whatever question you personally have. 

Here we go! 

Why a male character for the reader? Why not female?

I originally was going to write this several years ago with a female character for the reader. Her "nickname" was going to be Marionette, in lieu of Puppet. But somehow that particular story kept getting unbelievably boring to where I lost all interest and muse. And I still feel that way today. *points to unfinished fem/reader spinoff*

Maybe it's because I realized a male character would be more...err..aggressive and temperamental? Willing to put up a physical fight instead of acting helpless? Sure, a lass could be just as capable, but it just didn't feel right to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I honestly had much more fun and motivation with a male character. I don't discriminate in gender roles (I've written many XFemReaders in the past as a growing teen), so I decided to give this a go, and wouldn't you know, I loved it. Maybe it's due to my broad imagination and the fact that I'm capable of pretending to be the opposite gender (plus I have a soft spot for yaoi after reading Blood in the Water, a beautifully-written KevEdd fic), so I had no qualms with something like this. 

How different would it be with Marionette in leu of Puppet?

A lot, actually. Now that I think about it. This would involve much different plot material. However, after mulling over it for a long time, I realized it'd be too much for the readers. Keep in mind that I don't create simplistic, cookie-cutter characters. I do what I can to give strong character structure. With this story, I know my characters in and out. With how Peter is, he'd be too brutal to a female reader-character. He's already severely misogynistic as is, and I could already play out his actions and ideas in my head, and it wasn't pretty. More than likely it would've turned off the readers. This is another big reason why I stopped. I had plans in the redone story, but they were just too dark to go forward with.

So unless someone wants to special request these chapters from me via private message or email, I won't be publishing them here. I greatly apologize for any let downs...

Why Peter? Why not Vincent?

Ohhhh this wonder...

I never particularly liked that fan-created character of Vincent. A bit too..."frivolous" for my liking. I wanted something that wasn't dedicated to fan service, so I created a completely different character. Granted, I borrowed the name from another Purple Guy within a Creepypasta, but I constructed him in his own lethal image. I tagged him as a psychopathic yandere to emphasize that there's absolutely no romance. Just unhealthy, violent obsession. No matter what drivel you read on tumblr or people's lovefics, real yanderes feel only obsession and have no problem killing the one they obsess over if it comes down to it—to make sure that person never leaves them.

Peter's obsession is slightly altered, but I'll get to that in a minute . . .

Why is Peter obsessed with Fazbear sh*t?

Dunno. Probably because he's crazy. In the extras, I tried to imply that he gets all his mental attributes from one of his parents. Not only a genetic history of being psychopathic manipulators, but also ones who fall into abnormal obsessions. His just happened to land on Fazbear's. If I were to guess I'd say it's because he was around it so much while growing up.

But the canon says—

I don't go by game canon. No matter what transpires in Cawthon's confused and chaotic game universe (seriously, that insatiable man can't make up his Goddamned mind), this story is fanfiction and is its own world. That's how fanfics roll.

So is Peter like . . . gay? Bi?

Oh you silly kids and your questions.

To be honest, I can't really put him in a category that would make total sense. Best fit would be pansexual, but it's not like he goes out looking for partners. He doesn't possess the natural ability to feel love or any type of care, anyway. Physical pleasure is not at the top of his list, and partnership holds no value or importance at all. It's his dark obsession with the reader's bloodline that influences his urges. No matter what gender [First Name] is, it's their relation to Fazbear that drives Peter nuts; they're the ultimate part in his Fazbear collection, a possession he must have. It's literally the only thing capable of triggering that primal part of his biology. Make sense now?

And to clear up old confusions; the story takes place in the 80's. This might not be news to some if you were able to do the math and put the pieces together. But I've literally had DM's from readers consisting of things like, "omg, lyke, y would my character not have at least a cellphone or social media?? No one does! Parent's r stupid for not giving them that because they could have called the police themselves! Kind of a plot hole, not hating or anything!"

I'm under the assumption these types of readers are very young, too young to even read and comprehend this story. But hey, it's not like I can control what they view! :3

How was this story conceived?

Well now...

don't laugh!

Back when Fnaf was completely new and still being discovered by YouTubers, I had been watching Markiplier (and his goofy, rubbery face) while under the influence of cannabis and became fascinated. I've personally always liked the idea of animatronics coming to life. The game inspired me and my writing. 

Right before the franchise was taken over by the young childrenz, I wanted to create a piece that still centered around the original dark storyline (because there were only supposed to be three games, but Cawthon got greedy I guess. Can't blame him, though. Money is sexy.). 

Have questions of your own? Curious about me personally? Ask me in the comments and I'll try to answer as many as I can :)


Fredbear Stockholm (YanderePurpleGuy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now