22| I'm Fine

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Hey guys, I just want to thank all of you you're all so special and I love you guys bunches. As far as the things I mentioned in the last chapter I'm still half in that state but eventually it'll be okay.

And I don't want any of you to think that writing chapters for you guys is gonna push me and make things worse because it doesn't. Writing is my escape and distraction. So that's what I do when my heads all jumbled. I can immerse myself in an imaginary world and feel a tad bit better. It keeps my mind away from the things I hate to think about.

Also i appreciate every one of you who offered to talk and wished me the best last chapter it really means more than you think and if any of you ever need to talk to anyone please message me I'll chat with you heck it doesn't have to be about anything in particular, you need to get your mind off something message me. I'm incredibly awkward and weird and tend to ramble so it's bound to be an interesting conversation lol.

Anyways I love you all and thank you so much

Alan's POV

I spent the rest of the night at the park just talking to Austin. It was awkward at first, but soon it was like we had know each other for years. We didn't kiss again, even though I wanted to, we just talked. Like friends. We avoided the subject of sexuality and I watched as Austin became more comfortable with me. He talked and talked and I just listened, even if it was small stuff like the project he had due.

At one point he just held my hand lightly in his his and we sat in silence. Once the sky started brightening though I knew I had to leave soon. Austin seemed sad about it but just offered to walk me home. A couple houses down from mine I stopped him and hugged him tightly. His lanky frame wrapped around me and we hugged the longest I had ever been hugged before. He had pecked my cheek and said gave me a sweet goodbye.

Now I was just laying in my bed staring at the ceiling and replaying the events of the night. It was wonderful. I felt my stress melt away and Austin gave me this sense of security last night. One that I've never really felt before. I just really wanted to see him again, but I knew that probably wouldn't happen for a couple days. Austin had just admitted he may be something other than straight and I know that's a lot to take it. But he didn't need to worry. He could take all the time he needed. When I said slow I meant it.

I heard shuffling downstairs and I tensed. It was either my Mom or my Dad and I didn't want to see either one of them. They thought I was diseased. Mom didn't even grow the slighted bit angry at the fact Dad had slapped me. My hand went up to my cheek, running my fingers across it, sparks of pain erupted and I was shocked that someone could actually slap another hard enough to bruise them. Then again maybe I just bruised easily I mean my wrist was still slightly purple from his from his grip. Or did he just grip me too hard? Who knows, it happened so there's nothing I can really do now.

I could hear my parents muffled voices and I actually thought about hiding in my room all day or going to Vic's house. There was no way I was going to try and risk seeing them. So I could be cooped up in my sheets with nothing to do or go to my friends house where I could actually have some fun. Vic's it is. I sent him a quick text asking if it was okay and when he replied he acted offended that I even thought I had to ask. He asked if I needed a ride and I told him I would just walk.

I gathered a small bag of things. I didn't plan on staying the night but who really knows what I'll decide later on. After grabbing my charger and slipping on my shoes I began to quietly tiptoe down the stairs. I made it down them without even a creak. Now all I had left was the front door.

I hadn't even reached the door nob when my Dad spoke behind me.
"Where are you going?" I turned and saw him with his arms crossed.
"Uh my friends house." I told him quietly.
"Is it that bunch of faggots?" He said wth venom in his voice.
"Dad they're no-" he cut me off with a laugh.
"Of course they are. Whatever I can't help what your friends do, but I can help what you do. So if you're just going to get some dick remember if I find out you'll have hell to pay." And with that he turned on his heel and walked back toward the living room.

I stared after him a moment before hurriedly going out the door and down the street. I tried to shake his threat, was that a threat? I don't know, but I tried to shake what he said away and focused on the walk to Vic's house. Once I was walk up the walk to his porch the door flew open and I was almost tackled by a mop of black hair.

"Hey Kells." I said and hugged him back tightly. He pulled back and frowned as he noticed the bruise on my face but quickly change his frown into a small smile.
"Hey Alan!" He said cheerily. As we walked back to the porch arm in arm I noticed Vic standing there smiling at us. He pulled me into a hug when I got close enough.
"You okay?" He whispered in my ear and I nodded.
"Yeah I'm good."

We walked into the house and Kellin took my bag to set it in Vic's room.
"The rest of the guys will be here soon." Vic said as he flopped down on the couch. "You staying over?"
"Maybe. Not sure yet."
"You might as well." He laughed. "The others are. We're just having a bi-"
"A big sleepover and Vic promised we wouldn't watch any scary movies. If we do I'll be sure to slap him this time." Kellin said as he bounced into the room.

"Yea yea I know." Vic said and pulled Kellin down on his lap. Kellin scooted until he was sitting with his legs dangling over the side of Vic's and facing me.
"How did last night go?" Kellin asked.
"He just yelled at me."
"Did he try to hit you again?" Vic asked and I saw him clench a fist slightly. 
"No he didn't." I said and looked down.
"What about you're Mom? What did she do?"

"Pieces of shit I swear." Vic cursed under his breath."Alan remember if you ever need me call me okay? I don't care what time. Got it?"
"Yeah Vic. Thanks."
"Don't mention it. Now did anything else happen?"
"Not with them. I ignored them but I did leave in the middle of the night to go meet Austin." I said without thinking and then immediately slammed my hand over my mouth.
"Wait Austin? Your group buddy Austin?" Kellin said with a spark in his eye.
"Um yeah..."
"Why did he want to meet you?" Kellin said and scooted off of Vic's lap and closer to me. Like he was trying to study me.
"He um he just...he wanted to talk about this kiss...." I trailed off. No one said anything for a moment and then Kellin jumped up and pointed a finger at Vic.
"I told you!" He yelled happily.

"Told him what?" I questioned.
"That I thought Austin was a little gay for you." Kellin said with a smug look and crossed his arms over his pale yellow dress.
"When did you kiss him?" Vic asked.
"Well he kissed me and it was yesterday. That's why my Dad was so mad."
"Well all I can say if Austin better get his shit together and treat you right." Vic said with a threatening time in his voice.

"Calm down there tiger." Kellin said and sat back down on his lap.
"I'm not gonna let anyone hurt him Kellin, just like I wouldn't let anyone hurt you."
"I know baby." He sad with a smile.
"I haven't known him long but he's like a little brother." Vic explained further.
"Thanks Vic." I said and gave him a smile.
"Don't mention it." He said and returned it. "Now I'm gonna go scramble up some food before the rest of them get here. They eat enough to feed an army."
"So do you!" Kellin yelled after him. Which caused them to start arguing playfully and me to smile as I listened. It was nice to have friends. Really nice.

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