37| Hazy

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Okay guys today I finally got a chance to fully listen to Defy and I loved it! I was apprehensive because before hand people were giving mixed reviews but omg it was so great. Sunflower, Forever YDG'n, and If Were Ghosts are some of my favorites. What did you guys think????

If anyone isn't comfortable reading them feel free to message me and I'll give you a brief summary of what happened


Alan's POV

"Tonight was so much fun!" She exclaimed as we got into the car.
"Yeah." I scoffed.
"So are you up for a little party?"
"No. I just wanna go home." I said quickly. I felt a hand on my thigh and she squeezed it lightly.
"Oh Alan. I don't want the night to end yet. We're going to a party!" I banged my head against the car window and accepted defeat. I just had to get through tonight that's all I had to do.

About thirty minutes later we pulled up to a huge house. Music was blasting and there were people everywhere. Some passed out on the yard, some making out on the porch, and there was even someone in a tree! I had always hated parties and tonight was no different.
"This is gonna be so much fun!" Megan said as she swerved into a free parking space. She quickly got out and rushed to my side. Pulling the door open she grabbed me by the arm and quickly pulled me towards the house.

"And if you play your cards right I can assure you you'll be very lucky tonight." She said and shot a wide smirk my way.
"There's no way I'll be 'lucky tonight' I mumbled. She turned around on her heels and pointed a finger at me.
"Alan I just basically gave you a free shot to do whatever you wanted to me tonight."
"Not interested." I waved my hand. She walked up to me and trailed a finger down my chest.
"Are you sure?" She started to kiss along my neck and whisper in my ear. "I could be down on my knees, doing whatever you want. Come on Alan, I'll be a good girl for you." I felt her lick my earlobe and I quickly pulled away and tried to keep from gagging.

"If you haven't noticed you're not my type."
"I'm everyone's type baby. Tell me, what's holding you back?" She stepped forward and I stepped back.
"Let me see." I put a hand to my chin and acted like I was thinking really hard. "How about the fact that you don't have a penis!"
"So you'd rather get pummeled in the ass instead of pounding into me, making me scream?!"
"Yes!" I yelled.

She stared at me with her mouth open in shock before she closed it and crossed her arms.
"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that. I'm going to pretend we never had this conversation and we're going to go inside as we are going to have some fun. Aren't we Alan?" I rolled my eyes at her. "You are unbelievable." She whispered. She stared at me a moment. "Listen Alan, I promised my Grandmother that I would try my best to show you what it's like to be with a girl and I'm going to keep that promise. You're going to leave here tonight wondering why you ever fooled with that silly gay nonsense. Now come on we've got a party to go to." She smiled at me and grabbed one of my hands. Forcing me to interlock my fingers with her.

I took a deep breath and braced myself for the crowd of people I was being pulled in to. The house was crowded. There was barely any room to move between people and you definitely couldn't get by without brushing up against someone. The air was stuffy and smelt like sweat and booze. Megan pulled us over towards a corner that was slightly away from everyone else.
"I'm going to get us drinks!" She shouted over the music. "You stay here." She ordered.

I just nodded my head. A drink may help me relax a little. The mix of Megan and the loud atmosphere was putting me slightly on edge. Megan was gone for a while, which I guess is understandable since you could barely move through the crowd of people, but when she returned with two drink cups in her hand I let out a sigh of relief. I reached out for a cup but she was quick to pull it back.
"That's mine!" She said and held the other cup toward me. I cocked an eyebrow as I reached for the other cup. She released it easily and I was quick to put the edge of the cup up to my lips and take a sip. I grimaced at the taste of the beer, but nonetheless I took another sip. Then another and another. Until finally it was gone.
"Want another?" I heard Megan ask from beside me. I nodded and handed her my cup. She smiled and kissed my cheek quickly before disappearing into the crowd.

I grumbled to myself and wiped my cheek. I stared out into the crowded room as I waited for Megan to get back. I was looking for a familiar face. Anyone I could hang out with tonight. If I had my phone I'd call Austin. That's what I would do. I would call him and he would come in here like a knight and shining armor and save me. He'd sweep me off my feet and take me out of here. I couldn't help the cheesy smile that spread across my face at the thought of him. I missed him.

"Here ya go baby." I heard and looked to see Megan beside of me again, holding out another cup. I frowned at the sight of her. She just had to come along and ruin my thoughts of Austin. I took a long sip from the red cup and closed my eyes as I leant back against the wall. When I opened then I was shocked as the people in front of me blurred together. There was no way I was drunk. I wasn't even finished with my second cup. I looked back at Megan to see her lips moving. She was talking to me. I tried to focus on her but it was nearly impossible. She got closer and closer. I got more and more dizzy. Everything was blurring together and I couldn't focus. My brain was foggy.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and then a hand in mine and I tried to see whose it was but every time I looked down I almost fell over. Maybe it was Austins. Maybe he had come to save me. I felt my lips twitch up at the thought again.
"A-Au....stin-n." I mumbled to myself. I didn't get a response from him so I just let him lead me where he wanted to. Once we reached the stairs it took a while. They were too hard. After that though it was smooth sailing though.

When we finally reached our destination I stumbled through the door and onto the bed. I felt so dizzy. I was gonna pass out. I held onto my head and tried to steady myself. I flinched back slightly when I felt a pair of lips on the back of my hand. They were pulled away from my head and I tried to look at the blurry figure. They looked tall. Dark hair. Austin? Was he really here? I didn't get much more time to try and sort out the blurry figure because there lips were slammed into mine. I grunted and reached my hand up to tangle it into his hair. There was so much of it. So much hair. I didn't know Austin had that much hair. I was getting ready to ask him about it when everything went too hazy to think straight.

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