1 - Hazel fucked up big time.

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I slid into the booth across from Gillian.

"So, Gilly, how's it going?" I asked as I took a spoonful of her ice cream.

"Great except for the fact that my idiot best friend decides now is the time to take my ice cream." She rolled her eyes.

I reached out for another spoonful but she hit my spoon away with hers.

"No more ice cream for you, I don't want you to get a sugar high." Gillian chided me.

"If you give me the rest of it, I'll pay for it." I bargained.

"I don't want you doing something you'll regret tomorrow, so no chance." Gillian said as she took a spoonful of her ice cream.

"But Gillian!" I pouted, "You love me, don't you?"

"Just because I love you doesn't mean I want a hyper Hazel on my hands." She chuckled.

I scrunched up my nose and stuck my tongue out at her. "Meanie."

"I'll take it." She said as she leisurely cleaned out her ice cream bowl.

"I wanna see Voldetort," I whined after a while, "I haven't seen him in so long!"

"Fine." Gillian grumbled and slid out of the booth.

She paid for her ice cream, and we left to go see Voldetort.

"What is it, Quinn?" I asked him as I answered my phone.

"I am going to be home late, don't wait up, I love you but have to go, bye." Quinn rushed out before I could get a word out.

I rolled my eyes and pocketed my phone.

"Quinn is so annoying. Half the time he isn't home, and makes up blatant lies instead of telling me the truth." I complained and flopped down on Gillian's couch, still holding the famous Voldetort. "You're good with technology, can't you track him or something?"

"First of all, stop petting my turtle like he's some cat, and second of all, just because I am the social media manager of a fiber art studio doesn't mean I'm good at technology." Gillian says while taking Voldetort from my lap.

"Voldetort isn't a cat, take him off of your lap." Gillian repeated.

"But Voldetort is a cat." I protested. "In his heart, he is."

"Look, I can ask a friend to track his phone signals, but you need to call him." Gillian reasoned.

"Thank you." I said as I leaned down to pick up a small piece of fluff off of the floor and throw it on her.

"Get out of my apartment, idiot." Gillian chased me through the house with a nearby flower pot.

"I love you Voldetort, I'll come back to rescue you!" I shouted as I dashed out the door.

A week later I surprised Gillian by barging into her apartment. Silly her had given me a key, big mistake.

"Jesus Christ Hazel!" Gillian scolded me. "You scared me. Don't do that."

"Do you know where Quinn is yet?" I asked impatiently.

"Not quite." She admitted. "I know the general area."

"And?" I egged her on.

"He's in an ab-JESUS HAZEL THERE'S A FERRET AROUND YOUR NECK!" Gillian shouted and jumped back.

"I know. His name is Draco." I stated proudly, reaching behind my neck and pulling him out of my hood.

Gillian stared at me quizzically.

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